
Sample Globalisation/Localisation in Blazor Server

Primary LanguageHTML

Globalisation and Localisation in Blazor Server

Current documentation : ASP.NET Core Docs

This repo shows an exmaple of a working Glob/Loc Blazor project.

Try it out: https://blazorcultures.azurewebsites.net/ ( Azure free tier, so don't expect speed! )

Things to look at:

Enabling Localisation in startup.cs

Line 32 - add localization and tell it where to find the resx files
services.AddLocalization(options => options.ResourcesPath = "Resources");
Lines 48-51 - add supported cultures
var supportedCultures = new[] { "en-GB", "en-US", "fr" };
var localizationOptions = new RequestLocalizationOptions().SetDefaultCulture(supportedCultures[0])

Resource files (resx)

We told the system to look in Resources so that's where to create the files.

You don't need a resx for your default culture - in this case en-GB, so there are just files for fr and en-US.


Note: The resource file names match the namespace of the class they are for - in this case the resources are for the Index page, whose namespace is Pages by default

Host page

Because Blazor runs over SignalR it has no HTTP Requests to work with, so we add code to the Host page to set a cookie with the client culture. SignalR will use the client side cookie to set the correct Culture.

Lines 3-4 - bring in the required namespaces
@using System.Globalization
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization
                new RequestCulture(

Using localised strings in Index.razor

Line 2 - Inject a String Localizer from DI for the Index
@inject Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.IStringLocalizer<Index> text
Line 5 - use a localized string
<h1>@text["Hello, world!"]</h1>

Note that the string "Hello, world!" is both the default value and the lookup key in the resource files.

Bonus Feature - Main Layout - Choose a Culture

I've added some code to allow the user to manually choose a supported culture. If they change culture, we set the cookie and reload the page.

Bonus Feature - Query String Culture

By default ASP.NET Core configures a Querystring culture provider, so you can set the culture in the browser address bar.

Try adding /?culture=fr to the URL to set French culture.

Bonus Feature - Timezone Offset in App.razor

Timezones are hard. I like to get the UTC offset from the client and share it as a CascadingValue.

Lines 4-6 - Cascading Value

I have wrapped the RouteView in a cascading value that share the time offset to any component that wants it.

Lines 14-26 Get the offset from the client

These lines simply use JS Interop to get the client browser UTC offset. It's crude, but works a lot of the time as users tend to have their system clocks set appropriately for them, regardless of what timezone might be reported by the system.