
Hands-on with Vault on Kubernetes Tutorial

Primary LanguageShell

Vault on Kubernetes

This was a workshop conducted prior to the release of the official Vault Helm chart. For the official chart, see here. They may not reflect updates to the officially supported Vault or Consul charts.

Introduction Slides

This is workshop material for deploying Vault on Kubernetes. As a pre-requisite, this material requires a Kubernetes cluster with a proper auto-unseal mechanism. As a result, the initial set-up of the cluster depends on Google Kubernetes Engine. Additional Vault deployment attempts to remain agnostic of the provider, with some exceptions.

The flow of the workshop is outlined below:

  • Prepare a Kubernetes cluster of your choice.
  • Deploy Consul as a backend for Vault.
  • Set up self-signed certificates for Vault communication.
  • Deploy Vault.
  • Set up ACLs for Vault.
  • Set up the Kubernetes Vault authentication method.
  • Deploy an application that retrieves the secret from Vault.

At the conclusion of the workshop, we will have a Vault cluster and some example applications.


Exceptions to Cloud Provider Agnostic Approach

  1. Initial cluster creation. This uses GKE and GCP constructs.

  2. Vault auto-unseal. While we do not store the unseal keys in a GCP bucket, as the unseal keys can be stored to the organization's discretion, for ease of this workshop we auto-unseal the instance using GCP KMS.

  3. Kubernetes Vault authentication. This step requires the retrieval of the Kubernetes cluster certificate data. In GKE version 1.12+, clusters are not generated with a cluster certificate by default. As a result, the kubeconfig does not store cluster certificate data and uses an OAuth token instead. To address this concern, we call the GCP API for the cluster certificate.

Why use certain tools?

This workshop material demonstrates the use of several tools in the Kubernetes ecosystem, since its focus is running Vault on Kubernetes.

  • Helm: We use Helm to deploy and configure Consul and Vault. While these can be re-templated to a Kubernetes manifest, the complexity of deploying a highly available Vault and Consul clusters can be fairly difficult to organize. Furthermore, HashiCorp supports Helm charts for Consul.

  • Consul: There are many options for Vault backends, where the encrypted secrets are stored. To remain agnostic of a specific cloud provider or upstream technology, we want a Kubernetes hosted backend for Vault.

Step 0: Preparation

To start, you will need to have:

  • Google Cloud Platform account
  • Owner access to a project
  • Google Cloud Shell, within the GCP console

From the Google Cloud Shell (or general Linux shell), you must have the following packages installed:

  • gcloud CLI: This will already be installed in Google Cloud Shell.

  • helm: This will already be installed in Google Cloud Shell.

  • kubectl: This will already be installed in Google Cloud Shell.

    • Setup bash completion for kubectl.

      source <(kubectl completion bash)

First, lets clone Github project into Google Cloud Shell workspace.

git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/hands-on-with-vault-on-kubernetes.git

We now need the Vault CLI tool. To install in Google Cloud Shell, run:

make 0-install-vault

Next, we'll build the cluster. We need to:

  • Set up Google APIs.
  • Organize a keyring and key in Google KMS, for auto-unseal.
  • Build a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Set up kubeconfig to point to the cluster.
  • Deploy Helm (for Consul & Vault charts).

We can automate these steps via Terraform for more repeatable deployment and management but that is out of scope for this workshop. Instead, we'll run:

export GOOGLE_PROJECT=<project>
make 0-build-cluster

Note: If you are bringing your own cluster, make sure your kubeconfig is set correctly. You will also need to set:

export CLUSTER_NAME=<cluster name>

Step 1: Deploy Consul as a Vault Backend

We have the option of many storage backends for Vault. In this workshop, we'll use Consul to remain agnostic of a particular cloud. Consul is a service discovery tool that includes a key-value store, which Vault can use for storing state.

To deploy, we run:

make 1-consul

In summary, this command will deploy 3 Consul servers as a StatefulSet, fronted with a service, and 3 Consul agents as DaemonSets. They are set up with Access Control Lists to allow Vault to store configuration into Consul.


This would be very close to a production configuration, with a few additions we might want to add later:

  • Additional backup and resiliency for Consul
  • TLS for cluster communication

A "production" backend should maintain the following patterns:

  • Access control. This prevents anonymous or unauthorized access to the backend cluster

  • Non-root access. We generally should not require root access to the storage backend.

  • Resiliency. The store should quickly self-heal or be restored on failure.

Note: We are using Helm for deploying Consul and Vault. The official Helm chart for Consul can be used for other Consul configurations, such as connect.

Additional References

Step 2: Certificates

We are using self-signed certificates. In a production environment, we might use Let's Encrypt for a proper certificate with a certificate authority. Use of certificates help control communication with Vault and only allow encrypted transmission of data. It is advisable to use TLS to encrypt all traffic.

Run the following command to create certificates in the tls/ directory.

make 2-certs

This will generate a self-signed certificate that allows access to the internal Kubernetes DNS endpoints of Vault. To logically isolate our Vault deployment from other resources, we use a Kubernetes namespace. We can apply access control and resource quotas to the namespace.

Step 3: Deploy Vault

This section may be substituted with the official Vault Helm chart.

Now that we've set up the backend for Vault and generated certificates, we can deploy the Vault cluster to Kubernetes.

The Vault configuration we're deploying consists of three Vault instances. Each of them connect to the Consul agent, with the idea that any data gets forwarded to Consul servers. One of the Vault instances serves as the leader, while others serve as followers.


Let's review the following files in helm/vault-helm.

  • server-ha-statefulset.yaml: This contains the Vault StatefulSet that deploys with sticky identities for each Vault server. Vault servers reference a Consul agent via the underlying Kubernetes host IP and port 8500. We mount our certificates as volume mounts and the Consul token for connection to the backend as an environment variable.

  • ha-ui-service.yaml: We use this manifest for a Vault client endpoint. This is generated to allow a single load-balanced endpoint for access. We add this to a configuration map for applications and other services to use.

  • server-ha-init-job.yaml: We need to initialize Vault with the vault operator init command. In this deployment, we use Google KMS to facilitate auto-unseal. We are not storing the root token in a Google storage bucket. Instead, we scrape it from the logs and temporarily use it as a Kubernetes secret for additional ACL generation (next step).

Note: We are storing to the root token to facilitate the workshop and not storing the unseal keys. This pattern is not intended for production use. We prefer to store the unseal keys and root keys using a sidecar into a remote key management setup.

To deploy, run the command below.

make 3-vault

Additional References

Step 4: Deploy Vault ACLs

To restrict access to secrets, such as for a test application, we need to deploy an access control list to specific Vault paths. We'll associate a token (or identity) to the policy outlined by the access control list.

Let's review the following files in helm/vault-helm-acl:

  • acl-config.yaml: This is the configuration we'll use to configure an administrator account so we do not use the Vault root token. The policy in this file allows the creation and modification of other policies as well as retrieval of secrets.

  • acl-init-job.yaml: We use a Kubernetes Job to apply the ACL policy.

  • tests/test-runner.yaml: This checks the administrator token for correct policy and revokes the Vault root token once the test passes. In a production setup, root tokens can be generated on-demand and should not be used for Vault interactions.

Note: For this workshop, we will be adding the token as a Kubernetes secrets since we do not have an additional store, similar to the root token.

To apply the administrator ACL, run:

make 4-acl

Additional References

Step 5: Kubernetes Auth Method

In this step, we'll enable the Kubernetes authentication method in Vault in order to link a service account token to a Vault policy. Kubernetes uses JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for its service accounts. We'll enable the authentication method and then configure Vault to talk to the Kubernetes cluster, using the cluster's hostname, certificate, and service account JWT.

Vault uses the Kubernetes Token Reviewer API to validate the JWT.

To enable and configure the Kubernetes authenticaiton method, run:

make 5-auth

Additional References

Step 6: Create ExampleApp Policy

To demonstrate how we would use a service account's JWT to access the secrets for a given path, we'll create a policy to allow creation, deletion, updates, and retrieval at the path secret/data/exampleapp/*.

Then, we link the service account to a Vault named role. After that, we'll add a secret to secret/data/exampleapp/config to read later.

Apply configuration using:

make 6-policy

Step 7: Deploy the Example Application

We need an application to access the static secret at secret/data/exampleapp/config. The application should run with the service account we configured and with its JWT, allow us to retrieve the secret.

Deploy the example application by running:

make 7-simple

Let's view the example application in the browser. First, port forward from the pod to the Cloud Shell instance.

POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -l app=exampleapp-simple -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}')
kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080 &

To view the example application in the browser, we can use the "Web Preview" feature in the Google Cloud Shell. It will open a new tab with the example application's landing page.


We see the empty application on the browser.


Step 8: Get the Vault Token from JWT

We will perform a Vault login on the behalf of the exampleapp pod and get a Vault token. The token can be used to retreive secrets for the exampleapp application.

make 8-token

The above command will create a local file called local.env that contains the Vault root token and Vault address.

cat local.env

Step 9: Get the Secret

We will now use the Vault token generated above to retrieve secrets from Vault.

make 9-secret

We are retrieving the static secrets manually. Next, we'll discuss how to do it dynamically.

Step 10: Access Vault Secrets Using a Sidecar

The sidecar pattern is common with Kubernetes applications and can be applied to access secrets from Vault.

Here is a diagram showcasing application secrets workflow with Vault.


An init container uses the service account JWT token in the pod and uses the Kubernetes auth method to authenticate with Vault. If the authentication is successful, Vault returns a token that can be used to fetch application secrets.

Consul template then uses the Vault token to fetch appliation secrets and write them into a shared volume so the application container can use it.

The application can read the secrets file. For this example, our application periodically reads the config file that has secrets from the shared volume.

Deploy exampleapp sidecar application.

make 10-sidecar

Port forward to the sidecar pod.

PODNAME=$(kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" -l app=exampleapp-sidecar)
kubectl port-forward $PODNAME 8081:8080 &

When we open the Web Preview in Cloud Shell (be sure to change the port to 8081), we should see our secret displayed.


Let's try updating the secret in Vault.

source local.env
vault kv put secret/data/exampleapp/config ttl="5s" username="exampleapp" password="osc0nisawesome"

When we refresh the browser with the example application, we should see the secret updated.


Step 11: Deploy MySQL on Kubernetes

In order to learn about Vault's dynamic credential generation capabilities, we will look at an example where we generate dynamically database credentials using Vault's Database secret engine.

Deploy a dummy MySQL database on Kubernetes.

make 11-mysql

Step 12: Configure Vault (MySQL) Database Secrets Engine

Configure database secret engine in Vault.

make 12-database-secret-engine

Step 13: Deploy Database Sidecar. (Generate Database Credentials Using a Sidecar)

Deploy dynamic secrets enabled sidecar application.

make 13-dynamic-secrets-sidecar

Next, port forward and check the Web Preview for the database credentials.

PODNAME=$(kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" -l app=exampleapp-database-sidecar)
kubectl port-forward $PODNAME 8082:8080 &

Using the username and password from the example application web page, you should be able to access the database table.



This tutorial is based on Seth Vargo's Vault on GKE workshop.