Admin panel for data management

This is an admin panel for managing user and class information using Auth0 authentication and DynamoDB for class databse.


  • Create classes
    • create class with inputed teachers, capacity and modules
  • Manage classes
    • manage students enrolled
    • update class capacity and class name
    • update availables modules
    • delete class
  • Manage users
    • tecahers: update teaching class IDs
    • managed students: alter enrolled class ID, remove class ID and turn into unmanaged student
    • unmanaged students: manage avaible modules, enroll in class and turn into managed student
    • update expiration date for non-admin user
    • delete account
  • Create account
    • manual data input
    • using csv file to perform batch create
  • RESTful api for above features

Getting started

Auth 0

  • Create an Auth0 account
  • In Application tab, create a regular web appliaction folowing the tutorial
  • In Applications tab, create a Machine to Machine Applications
    • Select the Auth0 Management API
    • Provide all premssions for the application
  • Create the roles in User Management/Roles
    1. admin
    2. teacher
    3. managedStudent
    4. unmanagedStudent
  • For expiration to work, configurate the login flow and logout urls
    • Aadd a custom action in the Login flow in the action tab.
      • Example:
        exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
        const expiration = event.user.user_metadata?.expiration_date
        if(expiration == undefined) return
            api.redirect.sendUserTo("https://{Auth0 m2m app domain}/v2/logout")
        const tdy = new Date()
        const data = new Date(`${expiration}T00:00:00`);
        if (data < tdy){
            api.redirect.sendUserTo("https://{Auth0 m2m app domain}/v2/logout")
      • Expirated user can be directed to specific URL by adding returnTo parameter to the url
      • Add the logout URL for expirated users in Allowed Logout URL of the application setting
      • API reference:
    • In the Setting/Advanced tab, add the logout url in the Allowed logout URLs
      • If the URL for expirated users is not specificed, the url should be same as the base URL of the application e.g. http://localhost:3000


  • Create an table for class in Dynamo DB
  • Create an IAM user in IAM features/Users
    • Provide AdministratorAccess for the user
    • In Security credentials, create access key as local code usage
  • These information is needed:
    1. region of DB
    2. access key ID
    3. secret access key


  • Create a log group
  • Log stream names can be configurate in src/lib/cloud_watch.ts.

Email service (OAuth)

  • Follow this tutorial to set up OAuth on Google Clould
    • These information is needed:
      1. client id
      2. client secret
      3. refresh token
    • P.S. Remember to add the sender email as test user in OAuth consent screen when testing application, publish the app asap for the reason below.
    • Refresh Token will be expired in 7 days if the application has a status of 'Testing'. You need to publish the app and regrant the refresh token.
    • ref:

Application setting

  • Create a .env file with same content in the current directory
    # Auth 0 
    AUTH0_SECRET = use [openssl rand -hex 32] to generate a 32 bytes value
    AUTH0_BASE_URL= base url of the app e.g. http://localhost:3000 
    AUTH0_ISSUER_BASE_URL=  'https://{Auth0 regular web app domain}' 
    AUTH0_CLIENT_ID= client id of the web app
    AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET=the client secret of the regular web app
    AUTH0_API_CLIENT_ID= client id of the machine to machine app
    AUTH0_API_CLIENT_SECRET= client secrect of the m2m app
    AUTH0_API_BASE_URL='https://{Auth0 m2m app domain}/api/v2/'
    AUTH0_DB_CONNECTION_ID = database identifier of Username-Password-Authentication
    # OAuth
    SENDER_MAIL = mail address of the OAuth a/c
    OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = OAuth Client ID
    OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET= OAuth Client Secret
    OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL= OAuth redirect URl, usually ""
    OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN= OAuth refresh token"1//04oP7X2DVPRyvCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9IrjpxZVOu3IfVs125zhl6kbnMGuuQXjuo16rOfKbMkoEPq1322Q_ovz5mSbhu10far1pY"
    AWS_REGION = aws region, e.g.  ap-northeast-1
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID= Access key ID of IAM user
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY= Access secret key of IAM user
    #Dynamo DB
    CLASS_TABLE_NAME = table name of the class table in DynamoDB
    CW_LOG_GROUP =  log group name in CloudWatch
    #Configurated for require admin user to access api, default to be True if not set
  • install dependences
    npm install
  • In src/models/auth0_schemas, update the variable roleMapping by the correct role id in the Auth0 dash board
  • Requries for admin user is on by default, you can either create an a/c and assign it to admin role in the Auth0 dash board, or the admin check can be turned off in .env by setting REQUIRE_ADMIN to FALSE (default TRUE)
  • Testing with Jest
    npm test
  • Start for development
    npm run dev
  • Start for production
    npm run build
    npm start


  • Schemas and types
    • all types and schemas of API request and response can be found and updated in src/models/api_schemas.ts,src/models/auth0_schemas.ts and src/models/dynamoDB_schemas.ts.
  • Invitation email
    • Address formating, signing name can be configurated in sendInvitation from src/lib/auth0_user_management.ts
    • The email templates can be changed in src/lib/email_template.ts
    • For medias, te attachment setting can be found in src/lib/mail_sender.ts
    • Library reference: