
In this report, we propose a filtering method combining Kalman and Wiener filter to remove noises from the video.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

There are a number of filtering schemes to remove Gaussian noises from video signals and enhance the performance of the recovered video signals, such as Wiener filter, Kalman filter. In this report, we propose a filtering method combining Kalman and Wiener filter to remove noises from the video. First we apply Kalman filter and then Wiener filter for the purpose of denoising the video. Then we take an average of the result derived from both Kalman and Wiener filter, which combines the advantages of both filters and shows better performance than both Kalman and Wiener filtering schemes with respect to PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) value.

There are codes and a paper(its still under process for publication) attached in the repo.