CoProver is a proof recommendation system for proof assistants trained on PVS and Imandra
CoProver is intended to run on Python 3.9+. Once an environment has been selected, install the dependencies via
cd coproof
pip install -e .
To train and evaluate the PVS command prediction, execute this module,
python -m coprover.cmdpred.train_t5
Note this uses PyTorch Lightning to do DDP training across several GPUs. You may need to adjust the num_gpus
argument to match the number of GPUs you have on your system, or use 0 for software only.
The baselines for comparison can be executed via,
python -m coprover.cmdpred.run_baselines
To first train the underlying Sentence BERT model,
python -m coprover.lemmaret.bin.train_sbert
python -m coprover.feats.featurize_cmdpred