
Create Custom LottieView in your App, Appinventor kodular, niotron

MIT LicenseMIT


Create Custom LottieView in your App in this lib👉 airbnb.io , Appinventor kodular, niotron
You can set url to load online 👉lottie file animation data.

Example Blocks


Blocks2 A

  • layout- set layout.
  • srcUrl- set json url in String.
  • height - set height in int value.
  • width - set width in int value.
  • paddingTop - set padding top to bottom in int value.
  • bgColor- You can also set String in hex value color code.
  • repeat - set repeat animation in boolean value true or false .
blocks (49)

Blocks2 B

  • layout- set layout.
  • srcUrl- set json url in String.
  • height - set height in int value.
  • width - set width in int value.
  • paddingTop - set padding top to bottom in int value.
  • bgColor- You can also set make a color block in decimal value.
  • repeat - set repeat animation in boolean value.
blocks (48)

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