
Analyze the TESS open dataset in AWS S3

Primary LanguagePython


Analyze the TESS open dataset in AWS S3.


tess-cloud is a user-friendly package which provides fast access to TESS Full-Frame Image (FFI) data in the cloud. It builds upon aioboto3, asyncio, and diskcache to access the TESS data set in AWS S3 in a fast, asynchronous, and cached way.


python -m pip install tess-cloud

Example use

Retrieve the AWS S3 location of a TESS image:

>>> import tess_cloud
>>> tess_cloud.get_s3_uri("tess2019199202929-s0014-2-3-0150-s_ffic.fits")

List the images of a TESS sector:

>>> tess_cloud.list_images(sector=5, camera=2, ccd=3)

Read a TESS image from S3 into local memory:

>>> from tess_cloud import TessImage
>>> img = TessImage("tess2019199202929-s0014-2-3-0150-s_ffic.fits")
>>> img.read()

Read only the header of a TESS image into local memory:

>>> img.read_header(ext=1)

Cutout a Target Pixel File for a stationary object:

>>> from tess_cloud import cutout
>>> cutout("Alpha Cen", shape=(10, 10))
TargetPixelFile("Alpha Cen")

Cutout a Target Pixel File centered on a moving asteroid:

>>> from tess_cloud import cutout_asteroid
>>> cutout_asteroid("Vesta", start="2019-04-28", stop="2019-06-28)


Coming soon!

Similar services

TESScut is an excellent API service which allows cut outs to be obtained for stationary objects. Tess-cloud provides an alternative implementation of this service by leveraging the TESS public data set on AWS S3.

At this time tess-cloud is an experiment, we recommend that you keep using TESScut for now!