Primary LanguagePython




This project contains source code for our manuscript "RATING: Medical-knowledge-guided rheumatoid arthritis assessment from multimodal ultrasound images via deep learning".


Hardware requirement

RATING system runs on a computer with NVIDIA GPUs. At least 8 GB GPU memory is needed.

Software requirement

A Python 3.6+ environment is needed with the packages in the  requirements.txt installed.

File Structure

├── checkpoints/                            # store experiment checkpoints
│   ├── DOPPLER/
│   ├── GS/
│   └── GSDOPPLER/
├── dataset_files/                          # put dataset files in the folder
├── datasets/                               # all datasets
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── base_dataset.py                     # base dataset class
│   ├── DOPPLER_dataset.py                  # dataset for Doppler US images
│   ├── GS_dataset.py                       # dataset for Greyscale US images
│   ├── GSDOPPLER_dataset.py                # dataset for paired Greyscale US and Doppler US images
│   ├── jigsaw_puzzle.py                    # dataset for self-supervised pre-training
│   └── permutations_1000.npy               # 1000 permutations for self-supervised pre-training
├── models/                             
│   ├── networks/                       
│   │   ├── backbone/                       # neural network architectures
│   │   ├── __init__.py/                
│   │   ├── cfn_net.py/                     # Context-free Network for self-supervised learning
│   │   └── GSDopplerFeatureFusion_net.py/  # GS-Doppler Feature Fusion Network
│   ├── __init__.py                     
│   ├── base_model.py                       # base model class
│   ├── cls_model.py                        # classification model
│   └── model_option.py
├── optim/                                  # optimizers
│   └── __init__.py/                    
├── options/                                # save model checkpoints
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── base_options.py                     # base option class
│   ├── DOPPLER_options.py                  # options for Doppler US images
│   ├── GS_options.py                       # options for Greyscale US images
│   └── GSDOPPLER_options.py                # options for paired Greyscale US and Doppler US images
├── schedulers/                             
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── warmup_scheduler.py                 # multi-step scheduler with warm up
├── setting/                                
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── DOPPLER_feature_extractor.py        # setting of training Doppler US feature extraction network
│   ├── GS_feature_extractor.py             # setting of training GSUS feature extraction network
│   ├── GS_jigsaw.py                        # setting of self-supervised pre-training
│   ├── SH_classifier.py                    # setting of training GS-Doppler feature fusion networks
│   └── vascularity_classifier.py           # setting of training Doppler US classification networks
├── util/                                   # Utility tools
├── config.py                               # directory configurations 
├── do_train.py                             
├── do_train_jigsaw.py                      
├── self_supervised_pretraining.py          # script of pre-training
├── train_DOPPLER_feature_extractor.py      # script of training Doppler US feature extraction network
├── train_GS_feature_extractor.py           # script of training GSUS feature extraction network
├── train_SH_classifier.py                  # script of training GS-Doppler feature fusion network
├── train_vascularity_classifier.py         # script of training Doppler US classification network
├── test_models.py                          # run inference
├── MULTITUDE.py                            # run MULTITUDE algorithm
├── statistic_util.py                       # statistical analysis tools
├── thresh_dict                            
├── .gitignore
├── requirements.txt
└── README.md

Prepare Data

To build the system, data for training and validation are needed. Since RATING system adopts multi-task multi-model ensemble, data should be split into five folds, resulting in five training datasets and five validation datasets. For each dataset, a JSON file is needed to specify its information. They should be named as:

  • train_split1.json, val_split1.json

  • train_split2.json, val_split2.json

  • train_split3.json, val_split3.json

  • train_split4.json, val_split4.json

  • train_split5.json, val_split5.json

Each JSON file can be parsed as a JSON array of dictionaries representing the samples in the dataset. Each dictionary should have the following keys:

  • GS_path: path to the GSUS image.

  • GS_roi_anno: an array (left, top, right, bottom) which is the ROI annotation of the GSUS image.

  • DOPPLER_path: path to the Doppler US image.

  • DOPPLER_roi_anno: an array (left, top, right, bottom) which is the ROI annotation of the GSUS image.

  • SH_label: an integer representing the SH label.

  • vascularity_label: an integer representing the vascularity label.

Build RATING System

Step 1: self-supervised pre-training using GSUS images

python self_supervised_pretraining.py

Step 2: fine-tune GSUS and Doppler US feature extraction networks

python train_GS_feature_extractor.py
python train_DOPPLER_feature_extractor.py

Step 3: train classifiers of GS-Doppler feature fusion networks

python train_SH_classifier.py

Step 4: train vascularity classification networks

python train_vascularity_classifier.py


Prepare the test dataset, specify the path to the test dataset JSON file as test_dataset in config.py, and run model inference:

python test_models.py

When all the models finish inference, specify the output path as save_path in config.py, and run MULTITUDE algorithm to obtain final predictions:

python MULTITUDE.py

By default, there should be an output JSON file prediction.json in the root folder, which can be parsed as a JSON dictionary. It has three attributes:

  • SH: a numpy array of SH score predictions of all test samples.

  • VASCULARITY: a numpy array of vascularity score predictions of all test samples.

  • combined: a numpy array of combined score predictions of all test samples.

In addition, accuracy and linearly weighted kappa with 95% confidence interval should be printed on the console.