
This repository implements naive density map to visualize high-dimension data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository implements naive density map to visualize high-dimension data.

This repository includes:

  • Dimension reduction of high-dimension data
  • Common kernel functions
  • Density map generation by kernel estimation
  • Visualization of density map

Dimension Reduction

We use common dimension reduction method, i.e., TSNE. However, when dimension grows larger, TSNE is much slower and does not work well. Therefore, we first use PCA to reduce dimension to 100, then use TSNE to reduce dimension to 2.

Density Map from Kernel Density

For efficiency issue, we divide 2-D Euclidean space into grids and count number of points in each grid by class. For classes, there should be counting results which are called grid maps. Then we do kernel density estimation on those grid maps. We notice that KDE can be implemented by convolution operation on the grid maps.

Kernel function is used in kernel density estimation. We implement some common kernel functions:

  • Uniform:
  • Triangular:
  • Gaussian:

A 2-D kernel function can be calculated by multiply 1-D kernel functions of x and y dimensions:

In our implementation, we limit the range of Gaussian density estimation by using a Gaussian kernel. All kernel size should be odd number.

Density Map Visualization

For classes and grid map of , we visualize it on a image where each pixel represent a grid.

Numbers of points in each class may vary greatly. To balance between classes, we first normalize grid maps by class so that maximum value is 1 and minimum value is 0 in each class:


To represent density of points, we define saturation value of each pixel according to total density of the corresponding grid:


is used to ensure that all saturation value is valid:

To show distribution of each class, we use per-pixel color interpolation in HSV color space. For each of the

classes, we assign a specific Hue value. Then we calculate hue value of each pixel as weighted sum of all class hue values:

We set value of V to 1 for all pixels.

Get Started

Example data of 1000 MNIST images has been put in ./data .

First, create a Python 3.x environment and install following Python packages:

  • matplotlib
  • numpy
  • opencv-python
  • scipy
  • sklearn

You can install by this shell command:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To do dimension reduction, execute:

python dimension_reduction.py

TSNE results are saved into ./tsne folder.

To visualize density map, execute:

python density_map.py

Density maps are saved into ./result folder.

Experiment Results

Dimension Reduction

Experiment 1: Perplexity & Iteration of TSNE

iter perplexity=10 perplexity=30 perplexity=50

Above results indicate that:

  • perplexity=10 is not suitable, perplexity=50 works well.
  • number of iterations should be larger than 2000.

Experiment 2: PCA Preprocessing

We fix perplexity to 30 and 50 respectively.


Iter No PCA PCA (dim=100) PCA (dim=50)


Iter No PCA PCA (dim=100) PCA (dim=50)

It indicates that PCA preprocessing slightly help separate points of different classes.

We compare efficiency of different methods (in second, perplexity=50):

iter TSNE PCA (dim=100) PCA (dim=50)
Total PCA TSNE Total PCA TSNE Total
2000 10.05 0.93 8.98 9.91 0.61 8.93 9.54
3500 16.00 14.88 15.81 14.77 15.38
5000 21.76 20.65 21.58 20.57 21.18

It indicates that PCA preprocessing is a litter bit faster than pure TSNE method.

Density Map Visualization

Comparison of Kernel Functions

We set and compare visualization results from different kernel functions:

kernel size Uniform Gaussian Triangular

It indicates that uniform kernel produces smoothest density map, while triangular kernel produces sharpest density map.

Influence of Sampling Resolution and Kernel Size

We use uniform kernel:

kernel size

It indicates that using smaller and (larger grid size) makes density maps smoother. Moreover, with different and , suitable kernel size is also changing. Generally, when and becomes larger, the suitable kernel size becomes larger and vice versa.


Maaten, Laurens van der, and Geoffrey Hinton. "Visualizing data using t-SNE." Journal of machine learning research 9.Nov (2008): 2579-2605.