
🚀⚡️ Blazing fast blog built with Gatsby and the Cosmic Headless CMS 🔥

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Gatsby + Cosmic


This repo contains an example blog website that is built with Gatsby, and Cosmic.

See live demo hosted on Netlify

Uses the Cosmic Gatsby Source Plugin


  • Node (I recommend using v8.2.0 or higher)
  • Gatsby CLI


# Make sure that you have the Gatsby CLI program installed
npm install --global gatsby-cli

# run from your CLI
gatsby new gatsby-example-blog https://github.com/cosmicjs/gatsby-blog-cosmicjs

In gatsby-config.js you need to add configuration for your Cosmic Bucket

  resolve: 'gatsby-source-cosmicjs',
  options: {
    bucketSlug: '', /* Find this in Your Bucket > Settings > Basic Settings after logging in at https://app.cosmicjs.com/login */
    objectTypes: ['posts', 'settings'], /* Object types to fetch */
    apiAccess: {
      read_key: '', /* Find this in Your Bucket > Settings > API Access after logging in at https://app.cosmicjs.com/login */
    localMedia: true /* Optional. If you want to enable local image for Gatsby Image */


# Then you can run it by
cd gatsby-example-blog
npm run develop

Deploy to Netlify

You can deploy to Netlify in a few steps using their CLI. Run the following commands from the root folder.

npm i -g netlify-cli
netlify deploy