
A Java API to be used for StrawPoll.me

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

JStrawPoll Build Status forthebadge

A Java API to be used for StrawPoll.me

Getting Started

JSP (JStrawPoll) depends on json-simple to work. If you are using Maven, you can add this dependency by simply adding the following to your pom.xml


To get JSP, simply download the latest version from the releases tab and add the JAR as an external library.

Limitations & Potential Issues

JSP only supports up to 30 answers per poll. This is a limitation by the developers of StrawPoll.me and not myself


import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;

import me.spencersederberg.jstrawpoll.DupCheck;
import me.spencersederberg.jstrawpoll.JStrawPoll;

public class Test {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException
        JStrawPoll poll = new JStrawPoll();
        .withCaptcha(false) // Enables/Disables StrawPoll to require a Captcha check to vote Default: FALSE
        .withDupcheck(DupCheck.DISABLED) // Enables/Disables an IP Check to prevent multiple entries by the same person. Default: NORMAL
        .withMulti(false) // Enables/Disables voters to vote on more than once choice. Default: false
        .withTitle("What movie should we watch?") // Sets the title of your StrawPoll (REQUIRED TO WORK)
        .withOptions("Star Trek", "Mad Max", "U-571") // Sets the options your voters can choose from
        // This method also supports ArrayLists for ease of input. 
        .buildForRawJSON(); // Makes the API call that will return the JSON created by StrawPoll



JStrawPoll uses the MIT License, the full license can be found in the LICENSE file