
Django Vite Boilerplate

Primary LanguageCSS

Django Vite Boilerplate

Integrate your vite project with django.

Integerate with

  • React
  • React-ts
  • Vue
  • Vue-ts
  • Svelte
  • Svelte-ts

Getting Started

Prerequisites for django

  • Setup django environment
    python3 -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Example: Run react in dev mode with django

  • Start django

    cp ./backend/.env.example ./backend/.env
    python3 ./backend/manage.py runserver
  • Install react & copy react base temaple to django templates path.

    cp ./frontend/react/base.html ./backend/templates/base.html
    npm install --prefix ./frontend/react
  • Run in dev mode

    npm run dev --prefix ./frontend/react

Example: Run in prodcution mode

  1. Change DEBUG mode to False in backend/.env
  • Build react project

    npm run build --prefix ./frontend/react
  • Build

    python3 ./backend/manage.py collectstatic
    # Restart django
    python3 ./backend/manage.py runserver