
WFS File Storage System

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

WFS File Storage System [中文文档]

primarily designed to address the challenges of storing massive amounts of small files. The WFS storage engine exhibits highly efficient read and write performance, achieving response times at the microsecond level even under high concurrency pressures.
The WFS storage engine exhibits highly efficient read and write performance, achieving response times at the microsecond level even under high concurrency pressures.
A multitude of issues can arise from Massive small files:

In various hardware environments and system architectures, storing a vast number of small files can lead to a series of significant problems. Whether using traditional Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) or modern Solid State Drives (SSDs), these issues may impact system performance, efficiency, scalability, and cost:

  1. Low Storage Efficiency: For any type of hard drive, small files typically result in inefficient use of physical storage space. Due to the smallest storage unit (sector or page) on a hard drive, small files might occupy more space than their actual content size, especially when additional metadata storage is required for each file, such as an inode (in Unix-like systems) or other forms of metadata records, which exacerbates space wastage. Inode Exhaustion: Each file and directory consumes at least one inode, with the total number of inodes set during disk formatting and file system creation. When there's an abundance of small files in a system, it could lead to the inability to create new files despite ample disk space, solely because all inodes have been used up, even though remaining disk space would be sufficient for more data. Performance Impact: As the number of inodes increases, finding and managing the metadata associated with these inodes becomes more complex and time-consuming, particularly for traditional file systems without efficient indexing mechanisms, affecting overall file system performance. Limited Scalability: File systems usually have a fixed maximum number of inodes that cannot be dynamically increased to accommodate the growth of small files unless special measures are taken, like adjusting the file system or specifying more inodes during reformatting.
  2. I/O Performance Bottlenecks and Resource Consumption: In HDD environments, random reading and writing of a large number of small files can lead to frequent disk seek operations, thereby reducing overall I/O performance. In SSD environments, while seek times are almost negligible, excessively dense access to small files can still cause controller pressure to increase, exacerbate write amplification effects, and intensify strain on garbage collection mechanisms.
  3. Indexing and Query Efficiency Issues: The presence of Massive small files poses challenges to the file system's indexing structure. As the number of files grows, metadata operations involved in searching, updating, and deleting small files become increasingly time-consuming. In scenarios requiring rapid retrieval and analysis, traditional indexing methods struggle to deliver efficient query services.
  4. Backup and Recovery Complexity and Efficiency: Backing up Massive small files is a tedious and time-consuming process. Moreover, during recovery, especially when restoring individual files on-demand, locating the target file among vast backup data significantly impacts recovery speed and efficiency.
  5. Scalability and Availability Challenges: Storing Massive small files can present scalability issues for storage systems. As the number of files increases, effectively allocating and managing resources to maintain good performance and stability becomes a major challenge. In distributed storage systems, hot spot issues may arise, causing certain nodes to experience excessive loads, impacting the overall stability and availability of the system.
The role of WFS is to efficiently compress and archive the Massive small files being stored, providing a streamlined method for data retrieval, as well as background file management, file defragmentation, and more.

WFS-related Programs

Features of wfs

  • High efficiency
  • Simplicity
  • Zero dependency
  • Management platform
  • Image processing

Application scenario

  • Media storage: It is suitable for storing and accessing large amounts of small files, such as pictures and text. With a high-performance storage engine, WFS can achieve high-speed access and provide rich image resource processing functions.。

Technical characteristics

  • High throughput and low latency: ensures data access speed in high-concurrency scenarios.
  • Supports multi-level data compression storage: saves storage space and improves storage efficiency.
  • Supports http(https) to access files
  • Support thrift protocol long connection to access files
  • Support basic image processing: built-in image processing to meet multimedia storage requirements.

Stress testing and performance evaluation of WFS

lease note that the following benchmark data is for the WFS data storage engine and does not take into account the impact of network factors. Under ideal conditions, estimated data is derived based on benchmark test results

Below is a screenshot of some of the pressure measurement data

Test data description:
  • First column test method, write Append, read Get, *-4 quad-core, *-8 octa-core
  • The second list is the total number of tests performed in this round
  • ns/op: indicates the time consumed per execution
  • B/op: Memory consumed per execution
  • allocs/op: The number of memory allocations per execution
Based on the benchmark data, you can estimate the performance of the wfs storage engine
  • Storage data performance estimation
  1. Benchmark_Append-4 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (36489 ns/operation) ≈ 27405times/s
  2. Benchmark_Append-8 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (31303 ns/operation) ≈ 31945times/s
  3. Benchmark_Append-4 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (29300 ns/operation) ≈ 34129times/s
  4. Benchmark_Append-8 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (24042 ns/operation) ≈ 41593times/s
  5. Benchmark_Append-4 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (30784 ns/operation) ≈ 32484times/s
  6. Benchmark_Append-8 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (30966 ns/operation) ≈ 32293times/s
  7. Benchmark_Append-4 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (35859 ns/operation) ≈ 27920times/s
  8. Benchmark_Append-8 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (33821 ns/operation) ≈ 29550times/s
  • get data performance estimates
  1. Benchmark_Get-4 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (921 ns/operation) ≈ 1085776times/s
  2. Benchmark_Get-8 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (636 ns/operation) ≈ 1572327times/s
  3. Benchmark_Get-4 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (1558 ns/operation) ≈ 641848times/s
  4. Benchmark_Get-8 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (1296 ns/operation) ≈ 771604times/s
  5. Benchmark_Get-4 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (1695 ns/operation) ≈ 589970times/s
  6. Benchmark_Get-8 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (1402ns/operation) ≈ 713266times/s
  7. Benchmark_Get-4 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (1865 ns/operation) ≈ 536000times/s
  8. Benchmark_Get-8 The average number of operations performed per second is approximately:1 / (1730 ns/operation) ≈ 578034times/s

Write data performance

  • Under different concurrent conditions, the WFS storage engine performs write operations on average between about 30,000 and 40,000 times per second.

Read data performance

  • The WFS storage engine performs even better data read operations, with an average of 530,000 to 1.5 million reads per second.

Please note: the test results are highly dependent on the environment. The actual application performance may be affected by many factors, such as system load, network status, and disk I/O performance. Therefore, you need to verify and tune the actual deployment based on the actual environment

wfs built-in image base processing

original image: https://tlnet.top/statics/test/wfs_test.jpg

Image processing methods are outlined in the wfs usage documentation

Instructions for using WFS

  1. Execute file download address:https://tlnet.top/download

  2. start wfs: ./linux101_wfs -c wfs.json

  3. wfs.json configuration instruction

        "listen": 4660,     
        "opaddr": ":6802",
       	"webaddr": ":6801",
        "memLimit": 128,
       "data.maxsize": 10000,
        "filesize": 100,

Attribute description

  • listen the listening port of the http/https resource obtaining service
  • opaddr thrift Address of the back-end resource operation
  • webaddr Specifies the address of the management background service
  • memLimit Maximum wfs memory allocation (unit: MB)
  • data.maxsize Upper limit of wfs image size to be uploaded (unit: KB)
  • filesize Upper limit of wfs back-end archive filesize (unit: MB)
Please refer to the wfs usage documentation for detailed instructions on wfs usage documentation

WFS storage, delete data description

  1. http/https

      curl -F "file=@1.jpg"  "" -H "username:admin" -H "password:123"
      curl -X DELETE "" -H "username:admin" -H "password:123"
  2. using the client

    The following is a java client example

     public void append() throws WfsException, IOException {
     String dir = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/test/java/io/github/donnie4w/wfs/test/";
     WfsClient wc = newClient();
     WfsFile wf = new WfsFile();
     wf.setData(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(dir + "1.jpeg")));
  3. The following is a java client example

WFS management platform

Default search

Prefix search


The Distributed Deployment Solution for WFS

Explanation of Design Changes from WFS 0.x to WFS 1.x: The WFS 0.x version implemented distributed storage, enabling the system to disperse and process data across multiple servers, thereby possessing horizontal scalability and data backup redundancy capabilities. However, practical applications exposed certain issues, such as low space utilization due to duplicated metadata storage and inefficiency in handling small files due to frequent forwarding and transmission between nodes, which increased system resource consumption.

The goal of WFS 1.x is to meet specific application scenario requirements through streamlined architecture and a focus on performance improvement. As for considerations regarding distributed deployment, users are entrusted to leverage third-party tools and services to achieve this functionality.

  1. WFS 1.x does not directly support distributed storage; however, to address large-scale deployment and high-availability needs, it recommends using load balancing services like Nginx. By configuring resources and positioning strategies appropriately, a logically similar distributed effect can be emulated. Each WFS instance stores data independently, but external services can distribute requests among multiple WFS instances, achieving a "distributed deployment" at the business level. For guidance on how to implement the "distributed deployment" of WFS, refer to the article 'The Distributed Deployment Solution for WFS'
  2. It must be emphasized that distributed systems have significant advantages in ultra-large scale data storage operations, including dynamic resource allocation, block-level data storage, and multi-node backups. Nonetheless, with WFS 1.x adopting a load balancing strategy, users need to take measures to ensure data security and high availability themselves. This includes regular data backups, setting up a load balancing cluster, and configuring and designing routing rules within applications to guarantee that data is correctly routed to the intended nodes.
  3. The strength of WFS lies in its simplicity and efficiency. Not every file storage service requires a complex distributed file system. In fact, most businesses have not yet reached an ultra-large scale, and using a sophisticated distributed file system may introduce disproportionately high additional costs and operational complexity. Currently, WFS and its corresponding distributed deployment strategies adequately satisfy various business demands.