
Transformer Project

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AVICENNA Medic Guide ChatGPT

AVICENNA Medic Guide Pro

🌟 Introducing Avicenna Medic Guide Pro – A Revolution in Medical Technology! 🌟

🔍 We are excited to announce the launch of our latest project - Avicenna Medic Guide Pro, developed using cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology. This project is aimed at providing accurate and up-to-date medical information, making it an indispensable tool for both healthcare professionals and the general public.

🌐 Discover the world of medical knowledge with Avicenna Medic Guide Pro! Our project is available on GitHub: github.com/SSobol77/AVICENNA-Medic-Guide

✨ Features of Avicenna Medic Guide Pro:

  • An integrated database with current medical information.
  • A user-friendly interface that is easy for everyone to understand.
  • The use of AI for personalized learning and consultation approaches.

🤝 Join our community of developers and users to advance health and wellbeing to a new level. Your feedback and suggestions will help us make Avicenna Medic Guide Pro even better!

🌿 Remember, health is not just the absence of illness, but also an active lifestyle, self-care, and regular physical exercise. Let's take steps towards a healthy lifestyle together with Avicenna Medic Guide Pro!

Remember, health is our most valuable asset. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Transforming Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly contribute to the treatment and research of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Multiple Sclerosis in several ways:

  • Early Diagnosis: AI can assist in the early detection of these diseases through the analysis of medical imaging, like MRI, PET, and CT scans, as well as through processing large datasets of symptoms and test outcomes. This could lead to earlier initiation of treatments, which may slow disease progression.

  • Personalized Medicine: AI can be used to analyze genetic data and lifestyle information to develop personalized treatment plans that might be more effective for an individual's specific characteristics.

  • Condition Monitoring: The use of AI-powered applications and wearable devices for monitoring daily activities and health can help track disease progression and treatment efficacy, allowing doctors to adjust therapies in a timely manner.

  • Drug Discovery: AI can reduce the time and cost associated with discovering and developing new drugs by analyzing potential drug targets and simulating their interaction with various molecules.

  • Decision Support: AI can analyze vast amounts of medical data to support doctors in making more informed clinical decisions, which can improve treatment outcomes.

  • Symptom Management: AI can aid in the development of customized symptom management plans, for example, in the case of Multiple Sclerosis, where symptoms can vary greatly from patient to patient.

  • Patient Education and Support: AI can be utilized in applications and online platforms for educating and supporting patients and their families, providing information about the disease, tips for symptom management, and psychological support.

  • Disease Progression Analysis: AI can monitor changes in patients' conditions over time, providing valuable data for understanding how diseases progress on an individual level.

Of course, the application of AI in medicine requires careful regulation, data security, and ethical considerations, but its potential in aiding patients with neurological disorders is quite significant.

Interpretation of the analysis results


This document appears a complete blood count (CBC) with a differential count and a C-reactive protein (CRP) test result, which are common laboratory tests.

Complete Blood Count (CBC):

  • White Blood Cells (Leukocyty, WBC): 5.5 x 10^3/μl (within normal range: 4.2 – 9.1 x 10^3/μl)
  • Red Blood Cells (Erytrocyty, RBC): 4.72 x 10^6/μl (within normal range: 4.30 – 5.60 x 10^6/μl)
  • Hemoglobin (HGB): 14.60 g/dL (within normal range: 13.74 – 17.47 g/dL)
  • Hematocrit (HCT): 39.9% (slightly below normal range: 40.1 – 51.0%)

The hematocrit is slightly low, which may indicate a mild anemia or could be a normal variation. The indices of mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and red cell distribution width (RDW) are within normal limits, which are important in characterizing the type of anemia if present.

Platelet Count (Płytki krwi, PLT): 318 x 10^3/μl (within normal range: 150 – 350 x 10^3/μl)

Differential Count:

  • Neutrophils (NEU%): 48% (slightly elevated: normal range 41.90 – 77.80%)
  • Lymphocytes (LYMPH%): 42% (elevated: normal range 12.9 – 40.6%)

An increased percentage of lymphocytes may indicate a response to a viral infection or, less commonly, a lymphoproliferative disorder.

C-reactive Protein (CRP):

  • < 0.10 mg/dL (normal is < 0.50 mg/dL)

The CRP level is within normal limits, suggesting no acute inflammation or infection.

Please note, these results should be interpreted within the clinical context of the patient. If there are symptoms or signs of disease, further investigation or a consultation with a healthcare provider would be necessary. Remember to maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

May this information serve you well on your journey to good health and wellness.

Complete Blood Count Analysis Report

Patient: 17-year-old male


  • White Blood Cells (WBC): 5.5 x 10^3/μl (normal range: 4.2 – 9.1 x 10^3/μl)
  • Red Blood Cells (RBC): 4.72 x 10^6/μl (normal range: 4.30 – 5.60 x 10^6/μl)
  • Hemoglobin (HGB): 14.60 g/dL (normal range: 13.74 – 17.47 g/dL)
  • Hematocrit (HCT): 39.9% (slightly below normal range: 40.1 – 51.0%)
  • Platelets (PLT): 318 x 10^3/μl (normal range: 150 – 350 x 10^3/μl)
  • Neutrophils (NEU%): 48% (slightly elevated)
  • Lymphocytes (LYMPH%): 42% (elevated)
  • C-reactive Protein (CRP): < 0.10 mg/dL (normal is < 0.50 mg/dL)

Conclusions: The slightly low hematocrit may suggest a mild anemia but could also be a normal variation for a teenager, especially during growth spurts. The elevated lymphocyte percentage could indicate a response to a viral infection, which is common in this age group. CRP levels within normal limits suggest no significant acute inflammation or infection. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider for accurate interpretation and further actions if necessary. Regular physical activity and a balanced diet are advised.

Отчет об анализе крови

Пациент: 17-летний мужчина


  • Лейкоциты (WBC): 5,5 x 10^3/мкл (норма: 4,2 – 9,1 x 10^3/мкл)
  • Эритроциты (RBC): 4,72 x 10^6/мкл (норма: 4,30 – 5,60 x 10^6/мкл)
  • Гемоглобин (HGB): 14,60 г/дл (норма: 13,74 – 17,47 г/дл)
  • Гематокрит (HCT): 39,9% (немного ниже нормы: 40,1 – 51,0%)
  • Тромбоциты (PLT): 318 x 10^3/мкл (норма: 150 – 350 x 10^3/мкл)
  • Нейтрофилы (NEU%): 48% (немного повышены)
  • Лимфоциты (LYMPH%): 42% (повышены)
  • С-реактивный белок (CRP): < 0,10 мг/дл (норма < 0,50 мг/дл)

Выводы: Немного пониженный гематокрит может указывать на легкую анемию, но также может быть нормальным для подростка, особенно в период интенсивного роста. Повышенный уровень лимфоцитов может быть реакцией на вирусную инфекцию, что типично для данной возрастной группы. Нормальный уровень СРБ говорит об отсутствии значительного острого воспаления или инфекции. Рекомендуется консультация с врачом для точной интерпретации и определения не

Transformer Project

Step 1.

We demonstrating a first implementation of the basic transformer engine CyberAI *(sorry, this closed repository for project development)*in Python using the PyTorch library. This example will be simplified and intended to demonstrate basic concepts, rather than for practical use in complex natural language processing tasks. Creating a simple transformer includes several key components: attention layers, encoder layers, and decoder layers.

Here is the basic structure of the code:

  1. Attention Layer: The main block that allows the model to focus on different parts of the input data.

  2. Encoder Layer: Processes the input data and transmits the information to the decoder.

  3. Decoder Layer: Accepts the output of the encoder and generates the final output.

First, let's write the code for the attention layer:

This code is an implementation of the attention layer (SelfAttention), which is a key part of the transformer. This layer uses the attention mechanism to calculate the weighted sum of values based on the similarity of queries and keys. This allows the model to dynamically focus on the most important parts of the input data.

Next, we can add layers of encoder and decoder to create a complete transformer. However, keep in mind that a full-fledged transformer is a rather complex model, and its full implementation can be quite voluminous. The above code is intended to illustrate the basic concepts.

Transformer Project

├── data                 # A folder for storing data
├── models               # Folder with models
│   ├── encoder.py       # The code for the encoder layer
│   ├── decoder.py       # Code for the decoder layer
│   └── transformer.py   # Common transformer code, including encoder and decoder
├── utils                # Auxiliary utilities and scripts
│   ├── __init__.py      # Initializing the module
│   ├── tokenization.py  # Scripts for text tokenization
│   └── dataset.py       # Scripts for processing and loading data
├── training             # Scripts for training and testing
│   ├── train.py         # A script for training a model
│   └── test.py          # The script for testing the model
├── requirements.txt     # List of dependencies to install
└── README.md            # Description of the project