
ROS package providing moveit support for the ST Robotics r12 arm, including controller configuration

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT


ROS package providing moveit support for the ST Robotics r12 arm, including controller configuration .


Ensure r12_moveit_config, my_r12_description and r12_hardware_interface packages are all in the catkin workspace src folder. The r12 arm must be running a version of ROBOFORTH supporting the $JL and $RUN commands- you can test this by sending the commands ' $JL and ' $RUN, which will return OK if the respective command are present. If this is not the case please contact ST-ROBOTICS.


Run the ros nodes joint_trajectory_action_server.py and joint_state_remapper.py from the r12_hardware_interface package. Launch move_group.launch . For visualisation, moveit_rviz.launch may also be launched .