
hw2-poworoznek created by GitHub Classroom


HW2 : Linear Regression and Diagnostics

Go to the github course site. You should have a repo called HW2-X where the X is your GitHub username after accepting the invitation from Github Classroom in the Assignment on Sakai. Click on the repo's name and then Click on Clone or Download. Copy the URL for the repo for the next step.

Open Rstudio on saxon at http://saxon.stat.duke.edu:8787 and login with your netid and password.

From the File menu in RStudio, select New Project, then the option Version Control and finally git. Enter the URL of the your HW repo in the field and the other options and you should have a new project with the repo.

Open the file HW2.Rmd in RStudio and add your code to the appropriate chunks. You can add additional chunks as needed interspersed with text to provide your answers. Please delete any text in the template that is not needed.

Make sure that you push your final Rmd and pdf file to github before the assignment due date!