
STAR-Fusion line 676

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I have tried to run the STAR-Fusion Docker version and came across the same error repetitively. I figured I might be making a silly mistake and tried doing this tutorial exactly as it states with the documents it tells us to use. I have gotten the same error and am no sure how to interpret it and fix it. My computer has Windows 10 with dual Xenons, +80GB RAM, and 12 TB.

Here is the main error:

* Running CMD: /usr/local/src/STAR-Fusion/util/ /data/STAR-Fusion-Tutorial-master/STAR-Fusion_outdir/star-fusion.preliminary/star-fusion.fusion_candidates.preliminary.filtered 0 > /data/STAR-Fusion-Tutorial-master/STAR-Fusion_outdir/star-fusion.preliminary/star-fusion.fusion_candidates.preliminary.filtered.FFPM

        usage: /usr/local/src/STAR-Fusion/util/ num_total_rnaseq_frags

Error, cmd: /usr/local/src/STAR-Fusion/util/ /data/STAR-Fusion-Tutorial-master/STAR-Fusion_outdir/star-fusion.preliminary/star-fusion.fusion_candidates.preliminary.filtered 0 > /data/STAR-Fusion-Tutorial-master/STAR-Fusion_outdir/star-fusion.preliminary/star-fusion.fusion_candidates.preliminary.filtered.FFPM died with ret 65280 No such file or directory at /usr/local/src/STAR-Fusion/PerlLib/ line 181.
        Pipeliner::run(Pipeliner=HASH(0x2611ce0)) called at /usr/local/src/STAR-Fusion/STAR-Fusion line 676

Like I said not sure whats wrong so Im posting the entire script history.
If you'd like the nontutorial script history I can do that too. Just let me now.


If is run 'pwd' or $pwd it gives me the following error:

H:\VictoriaRNAStarFusionFastq>docker run --rm -it -v $pwd:/data trinityctat/ctatfusion:latest bash
docker: Error response from daemon: create $pwd: "$pwd" includes invalid characters for a local volume
name, only "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]" are allowed. If you intended to pass a host directory, use absolute path.
See 'docker run --help'.

If I try without the '' then I get an empty folder that I believe is in the docker because I cant find it in the local volume I am sharing. I have given the computer permissions to share the drive with docker containers via the GUI settings pane.

If this computer were my own it would be linux os instead of windows but its my works so I have to sadly stick with windows 10.