Serverless video analytics based on AWS

This repository open-sources the code for paper "Edge-assisted Adaptive Configuration for Serverless-based Video Analytics" in ICDCS'23.

This repository contains the codes for edge server and AWS Lambda.

The AWS Lambda part is under folder awsmodel. Detailed instruction on how to set up models on AWS is documented by README under awsmodel.

The remaining part of the code is for edge server.

Demo picture and demo video are stored under test folder


Install dependencies

Install conda and ffmpeg.

Build a conda virtual environment conda create -n <yourenvname> python=3.8.

Activate conda environment you just created by conda activate <yourenvname>.

Install python dependencies with requirements.txt

Set up interaction with AWS

The is responsible for sending pictures to AWS Lambda and getting results back.

You should set up AWS Lambda functions and get function URLs following README in awsmodel.

After you get function URLs of 5 models, put them into ./config/model_server.json.

How to test your interaction?

Use python

It will send 1.picture in ./test to AWS Lambda and get bounding box back.

The first invocation has a non-ignorable cold-start overhead, just wait for a while.

Set up profiling models

Download the corresponding model weight of yolov5 models.

We use yolov5n, yolov5s, yolov5m, yolov5l, yolov5x.

So, you should donwload them all.

Put the weight file into ./model/weights folder.

The weight file can be found in ultralytics/yolov5 under pretrained checkpoints tag. The names of weight files should be {model}.pt like If not, modify the settings yolo_models in ./config/runtime_cfg.json.

Set up data folder

Video should be processed to be inputted into our system.

Our code use a data folder like ./demo.

The directory should be organized like ./demo.

|   demo.mp4
|   | yolov5l_1920x1080_23_detections.csv
|   | yolov5l_1920x1080_23_smoothed_detections.csv
|   | yolov5l_1920x1080_23_profile.csv
|   | yolov5m_1920x1080_23_detections.csv
|   | yolov5m_1920x1080_23_smoothed_detections.csv
|   | yolov5m_1920x1080_23_profile.csv
|   | ...
|   | 1920x1080 frame images ...
|   | some result csv files

Create folder

If you want to use other videos as input, you should make a similar folder structure.

First, create a folder your_folder_name under this folder and move target your_video.mp4 to the folder. Then, create ./your_folder_name folder and ./your_folder_name/profile, ./your_folder_name/1080p, ./your_folder_name/result folder.

Extract frames

Edit input_video option in to the absolute path of ./your_folder_name/video.mp4 and output_image_path to ./your_folder_name/1080p. Then, run the script with bash, and extracted frames will be saved in ./your_folder_name/1080p.

Object detection

Change directory to ./model and edit Change input_path option to absolute path of ./your_folder_name/1080p. Change output_path to absolute path of ./your_folder_name/profile. Finally, run the script with bash and profile csvs will be generated under ./your_folder_name/profile.


Change the profile_paths option in ./configs/runtime_cfg.json. Add the absolute path of your_folder_name into the list. Change the mode option into "profile". Change directory back to project root and edit Change video option to the video folder name we created, in our example, it's your_folder_name. Then change data_root option to absolute path of parent folder of your_folder_name. Run by bash The profile will be generated under ./your_folder_name/profile named profile.csv. Copy the accuracy list under each model in profile.csv and change the model's accuracy under ./config/adaptive_scheduler.json.

Run the pipeline

Change the mode option in ./configs/runtime_cfg.json into "pipeline". Run the pipeline with bash The result will be generated under ./your_folder_name/results/.

Change settings

Change algorithm

At present, there are two algorithms for deciding video configurations. One is baseline algorithm which sends frames at constant frame rate. The other is adaptive algorithm.

To switch between them, change json key scheduler in configs/runtime_cfg.json between baseline and adaptive and rerun program.



This file is located under ./configs.

Our program have three modes.

The first one is pipeline. The second is iteration. The third is profile.

To change modes, edit runtime_cfg.json's key mode. The default mode is pipeline. Pipeline mode will try to minimize cost under target accuracy. Under pipeline mode, to set target accuracy, change the target_accuracy key.

The iteration mode will iterates the target_accuracy_list and runs the pipeline for each target accuracy.

The profiling mode makes profile for several videos easier. You can put video folders into profile_paths and mode will generates profiles for each folder.

We list the meaning of settings as bellow

  • ground_truth_model take a model name from model_list, results outputted from this model will be used as ground truth in pipeline evaluation.
  • pipeline take notracking or tracking as value, decide wether starting parallel tracks after getting object detections from server.
  • invoking_mode take local or aws as value, decide from where the program get object detection results.
  • model_list decide the models to use.
  • yolo_models associates yolo_models with weights file.
  • scheduler take adaptive or baseline as value, decide which scheduler to use.
  • iteration_time determine how many times pipeline will run under a target accuracy.


./configs/baseline_scheduler.json stores the settings of baseline scheduler.


./configs/adaptive_scheduler.json stores the settings of adaptive scheduler.

After running profile under profile mode, we can get profile.csv under ./your_folder_name/profile. Put the results into this file. The accuracy list and frame_rate is corresponding by index.