A library for C++/Fortran computer simulations (e.g. stencil codes, mesh-free, unstructured grids, n-body & particle methods). Scales from smartphones to petascale supercomputers (e.g. Titan, Tsubame 2.5, Edison, JUQUEEN, Stampede)
- abduld
- alichnewsky
- alysondeivesFlorianópolis, SC, Brazil
- appleparanLG CNS
- batermjMETA4ALL
- blueyi
- bonniee
- brunopdias
- dmalhotraFlatiron Institute
- dokipen3dNew Zealand
- dvalters@EPCCed
- gentryxSwitzerland
- hmazhar
- huanglangwenETHZ
- jamolamaNew York
- kemen209ISCAS
- khronos4
- kuscuMunich, Germany
- martinjrobinsUniversity of Oxford
- pagrubelLos Alamos National Laboratory @lanl
- pkesteneCEA
- Sbai7Independent Scientist & Engineering Consultant
- sbwardWellington, New Zealand
- sithhell
- sushpaETH Zürich
- szaghiNational Research Council of Italy, IAC Research Institute for applied mathematics "Mauro Picone"
- t-bltg
- tadeu@ESSS
- teonnik
- varunnagpaal
- wenyan4work@flatironinstitute
- xiaocanliLos Alamos National Lab
- zbeekman@ParaToolsInc
- zhulianhuaSomewhere
- zjx632
- zwparchman