
No support for converting packages with "STIX_Packages" root node

johnmccash opened this issue · 3 comments

I just tried to convert a STIX 1.0 package (obtained from FS_ISAC) which has a "STIX_Packages" root node. I get the following error:

[!] Update Error: Document root node must be one of ['Observables', 'STIX_Package']. Found: 'STIX_Packages'


Hi @johnmccash, thanks for the issue! The STIX_Packages element is not a valid STIX root-level element and will not validate against the STIX schemas. The stix-ramrod library supports the processing of CybOX Observables and STIX STIX_Package instance documents, which are referred to in that error message.

Is it possible to extract the STIX_Package elements from the STIX_Packages collection? If so, you could then update them iteratively.

I am going to close this out since the error is the result of passing a non-STIX/CybOX document into stix-ramrod. I can reopen it if we want to discuss this more in the future. Thanks!

I’m not sure, but I thought this element was actually legal in 1.0, but was deprecated in 1.1. It may be that it was part of a prerelease version of 1.0 which was on Github, and so was used by some people in error. In any case, it’s no longer an issue for me. I was trying to convert an old indicator dump, for which I now have a more recent update that does not include the offending element.

From: Bryan Worrell []
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2015 7:29 PM
To: STIXProject/stix-ramrod
Cc: John Mccash
Subject: Re: [stix-ramrod] No support for converting packages with "STIX_Packages" root node (#4)

I am going to close this out since the error is the result of passing a non-STIX/CybOX document into stix-ramrod. I can reopen it if we want to discuss this more in the future. Thanks!

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