
Lessons on getting your Raspberry Pi to do cool stuff

Primary LanguagePython


For raspberry pi projects.

2ircar.py Code for the 2 motor toy car that you can drive about. Has an IR LED sensor. Stops if it seems something. Best run in python 2.7

2ircarRoomba.py Similar to the code above except that it has an Auto mode. It drives itself, detects an object, then reverses. Tries again.

4rov.py Code to contol the 4 motor Breadboard rover using the keyboard. Best run in python3.

4rovBOARD.py Same as above except it uses the BOARD GPIO pin naming system instead of BCM.

4rovIR.py Same as above except with an Infrared (IR) sensor that tries to stop you hitting things.

4rovIR_AUTO.py Same as the IR rover above but with a Roomba Autosteer mode. Proper robot.

4rovULTRA.py Same as 4rovIR_AUTO.py above but upgraded to a longer range UltraSonic sensor instead of the IR sensor.

gpiotest.py Spins all 4 motors on the GPIO to test your motors are working correctly.

ultravelocity.py Uses the ultrasonic sensor to measure the velocity (the speed in a direction).