
Countdown timer to resemble the one from 24

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Countdown Timer with Sound

This project provides a countdown timer that plays a sound every second, alternating between two sound files, until it reaches a specified date and time.

The timer is based on the date for Baldur's Gate on PC: "2023-08-03 10:00:00" Central Standard Time (CST), and it uses the system's time to calculate the remaining time. The timer and the remaining time are displayed in a digital clock style in the middle of the screen.


  • Displays a countdown timer based on a specified target date and time.
  • Plays a sound every second during the countdown, alternating between two sound files.
  • The countdown and sound stop when the target date and time are reached.

Setup and Run the Project

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open index.html in your web browser.

Files in the Project

  • index.html: This is the main HTML file that includes the timer display.
  • style.css: Contains all the CSS for the project.
  • script.js: This is where the main functionality of the countdown timer is implemented.
  • /assets: This directory contains the sound files and other assets.


This project uses vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and has no external dependencies.

Possible Enhancements

  • Allow users to input a custom date and time for the countdown.
  • Use a date-time library for more robust time zone handling.
  • Allow users to select from multiple sound options.

Remember to replace any placeholder text with accurate descriptions of your project, and to add or modify sections as needed based on your project's unique requirements.