JEE Project


  • Intellij 2020.2.3
  • Maven
  • Java 15
  • Tomcat 9.0.41

Launch project

  • Launch Intellij
  • Add Project Version Control
  • Add Configuration ... :
    • First : Select Tomcat Server
    • Then : Add Tomcat Server file, Select Navigator and Add Artifact war
  • Build and Run



  • Menu : links
    • Home
    • Login
    • Sign up
    • Logout
  • Panier :
    • list of products small detail (name, quantity, price)
    • delete product button
    • Price total
    • button validate panier
  • Add Product :
    • Form new product
  • Validate panier :
    • recap
    • options (livraison, facture?)
    • button pay
  • Pay now :
    • Form info paiement
    • button pay
  • Commandes :
    • liste commandes
      • mode paiment
      • mode livraison
      • adresse
      • price
    • delete command
    • pay now

Global features

  • tagdir : remove the jsp first line
  • listner servlet
  • add relevant library or dependencies :
    • F4 on project
    • go to dependencies in modules
    • + then choose library then From Maven
    • Just search your dependency, download it, add it and Apply


  • beans
  • dao
  • model
  • controllers