STM32H747 SWD can not connect anymore
guadiandehao opened this issue · 1 comments
About the board:
We referenced to portenta h7 board to build a board.
About the firmare:
We are using STM32Cube FW_H7 v1.11.2 and add a toggle GPIO in while(1) and relevant gpio initalize code.
If programed the STM32H747, then i can't connect to the device anymore. I tried this linkmethod, but not working. Is there anything i missed?
Hi @guadiandehao,
As indicated in the file, this support channel is specially dedicated to issues directly related to the software provided within this repository.
Support requests like yours should rather be submitted to the ST Community. There, you should find the support you are looking for.
Please allow me to close this thread. Thank you for your comprehension and best of luck with your project.
With regards,