STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32H7 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on all boards provided by ST (Nucleo, Evaluation and Discovery Kits))
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STM32H750XBH6 sends error data when using UART4 of the 120M clock in Latest version(STM32Cube FW H7 V1.12.1)
#303 opened by augetyz - 3
stm32h7xx_hal_eth.c bug report
#302 opened by Gorden1970 - 13
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jpeg_utils.c: pure red or pure blue pixel conversion from RGB to YCbCr will result in values too large to hold in a uint8_t buffer.
#299 opened by jeroen-verfailie - 2
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STM32H747 SWD can not connect anymore
#297 opened by guadiandehao - 1
FatFS Outdated
#296 opened by squintz - 6
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JPEG utils not setting ConvertedDataCount variable in YCbCr to RGB functions
#294 opened by luismeruje - 4
FDCAN HAL_FDCAN_ConfigGlobalFilter() doesnt filter
#292 opened by cstyx - 6
FDCAN FDCAN_RxHeaderTypeDef.data_length is always 0
#291 opened by cstyx - 7
USB composite CDC-CustomHID device problem, one of I/F hangs or data corruption occurs
#274 opened by danielsulik - 1
Generate the ADC code for the STM32H750 using CUBEMXV6.11.1, where the Oversampling Ratio must use ADC3_OVERSAMPLING_RATIO_XXX, but an error occurs when compiling.
#293 opened by wdfk-prog - 4
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H730 ADC3 Oversampling configuration bug
#256 opened by KubeckPL - 14
New STM32H747-DISCO - BSP_LCD_Init() Issue?
#254 opened by AndrewCapon - 4
Unexpected Closed Socket Error in AT_ExecuteCommand when Joining a a Network after Update
#287 opened by bnina-ayoub - 8
initialisation setting for USB_OTG_HS as a disable HOST fails to return from init when using FW_H7 v1.11.2. (not so with v1.11.1
#286 opened by AnthonyGBES - 2
Configuration register SYSCFG_PMCR set wrong value when config pins like PC3_C as GPIO
#281 opened by xiaosiyu0603 - 3
UART: HAL_UART_ErrorCallback is not called reliably
#263 opened by Meravid - 1
Wrong implementation of HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq, LL_RCC_CalcPLLClockFreq as well as SystemCoreClockUpdate in the examples
#284 opened by cryptic-quasar - 7
HAL_UART_Transmit can generate faulty error
#272 opened by ra1u - 1
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STM32H7B3I-DK PLL3 VCO output exceeds 560MHz limit
#275 opened by sirius506 - 13
Is it reasonable for HAL library SPI to judge RXP in blocking receive 8bit mode? Again, because of the old code to determine the RXWNE/FRLVL flag
#249 opened by wdfk-prog - 4
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Closing brace of ifdef cplusplus is missing in NUCLEO-H723ZG example: USB_Host/HID_Standalone/USB_Host/Target/usbh_conf.h
#269 opened by pavel-a - 4
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USBCDC not working with V1.11, but OK with V1.10
#251 opened by frondxl - 3
VECT_TAB_OFFSET comments in different releases
#268 opened by escherstair - 3
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H7B3: USB with DMA generates many interrupts
#278 opened by PiPointX - 1
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IWDG Max timeout value
#277 opened by ZerAtaii - 1
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Whether ADC Vref channel and temperature acquisition channel are consistent with channel 18 and 19
#250 opened by wdfk-prog - 3
Potential buffer overflow in WiFi SPI driver
#252 opened by shijiameng - 3
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Octo-SPI multiplexed mode unavailable
#258 opened by dennisvbussel - 2
UART: No DMA Full Interrupt with DMA Receive to Idle mode
#255 opened by Meravid - 5
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USB_Host driver: potential buffer overflow when parsing configuration descriptor
#262 opened by shijiameng - 2
Error comment in "system_stm32h7xx. c" file
#246 opened by chenjingyuanku - 1
cubeMX can't identify this repository
#248 opened by mohammadsdtmnd - 1
RTC Accuracy issue
#247 opened by PG430