LoRaWAN Timer does not work with RTC_BINARY_MIX
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My code is based off of the LoRaWAN_End_Node example. I had to change the RTC_N_PREDIV_S to 8 because of severe clock drift issues. I also changed the implementation of some of the functions in timer_if.c. Either way, both LoRa and HAL_GetTick, HAL_Delay functions work well.
Now I also need my application to generate a unix timestamp, meaning I need to have the RTC run in BCD mode. So, I set hrtc.Init.BinMode = RTC_BINARY_MIX
to allow both binary and BCD operation. With this change, the set/get of the calendar works fine, as well as the HAL_Delay and HAL_GetTick build on top of the UTIL_TIMER. But the timer inside the LoRaWAN Middleware stops working - the timeout for RX1 window is opened and never closes.
When I set hrtc.Init.BinMode = RTC_BINARY_ONLY
the LoRaWAN timers work, but the calendar of course doesn't. What am I missing? Shouldn't RTC_BINARY_MIX allow for operation of both? Thanks.
Fixed by setting sAlarm.AlarmMask = RTC_ALARMMASK_ALL
in function TIMER_IF_StartTimer()