
Title: "Error linking libneai.a and undefined reference to neai_classification in STM32CubeIDE project"

chanakyavasantha opened this issue · 2 comments

Issue Description

Once we have downloaded the library zip file from Nano Edge AI Studio,Open a new stm32 project in Stm32 Cube Ide then the libneai.a static library file should be placed in the Src folder of the project. Additionally, the NanoEdgeAi.h and knowledge.h header files should be copied to the Inc folder.

If we encounter an error indicating that neai_classification, neai_init, or neai_anomaly_detection cannot be found, it is likely that the libneai.a library is not accessible. To resolve this, we need to link the library with the linker ':libneai.aand set the library search path to../Core/Src`.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Download the library zip file from Nano Edge AI Studio.
  2. Place the libneai.a static library file in the Src folder.
  3. Copy the NanoEdgeAi.h and knowledge.h header files to the Inc folder.
  4. Build the project in STM32CubeIDE after succesfully linking libneai.a static library as shown above.

Expected Behavior

The project should build successfully without any errors related to missing functions such as neai_classification, neai_init, or neai_anomaly_detection.

Actual Behavior

Encountering errors indicating that the mentioned functions cannot be found.


  • STM32CubeIDE version: 1.12.1
  • Operating System: Windows
LFOSTM commented

This issue is not related to the model zoo...
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LVASTM commented


When linking a static library, you should set only the name of the library.
Here for libneai.a, you should write -lneai
