
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

View SNPs in 3D, or Find Symmetries of 3D Structures

iCn3D provides a web-based tool for protein structure visualizing. Here we seek to expand the functionality of this tool to:

  1. integrate 3D visualization of SNPs
  2. Build on the functioning SymD integration to include local symmetry analysis capabilities

Project 1: View SNPs in 3D

There are several tools available for visualizing structural homology modelling (SCWRL, AMBER), most are not available in a web based format, or are not licensed outside for use outside of academia. We explored integration of both scap (http://honig.c2b2.columbia.edu/jackal), chimera based scripts, and modeller to show mutated residues in 3D.


Preliminary Results


Mutating residue

Using Modeller

  • Modeller package
Output mutated residue pdb
- Usage: Structure.py -i <pdb-id> or -f <pdb-file> -r <included resno> -x <excluded resno> -o <output-file-name>
python Structure.py -f 1tupPRO111.pdb -r A111 -o 1tupPRO111_only.pdb 
python Structure.py -f 1tupVAL113.pdb -r B113 -o 1tupVAL113_only.pdb 

1tupPRO111_only.pdb 1tupVAL113_only.pdb

Using UCSF-Chimera

  • UCSF-Chimera has python interface which can be used to mutate residue.
  • A python script (ChimeraMutateResidue.py) is made to mutate residue and write the mutated residue to a pdb file
  • UCSF-Chimera package
  • python module pychimera
Output mutated residue pdb
pychimera ChimeraMutateResidue.py -f <PDB file> -r <RESIDUE number> -c <CHAIN name> -m <MUTANT (3-letter) residue> -o <OUTPUT file>


  • integration of scripts into iCn3D web-framework


  1. Wang, Jiyao, et al. "iCn3D, a web-based 3D viewer for sharing 1D/2D/3D representations of biomolecular structures." Bioinformatics 36.1 (2020): 131-135.
  2. Xiang, Zhexin, and Barry Honig. "Extending the accuracy limits of prediction for side-chain conformations." Journal of molecular biology 311.2 (2001): 421-430.

Project 2: Find Symmetries of 3D Structures

Find the symmetry of a structure (assembly,chain,domain) and display it in iCn3D. We could convert the source code of SYMM to a web service.

Preliminary data

  1. Read the papers: https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/42/W1/W296/2435489 and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27747230/. The web server is at https://galaxyproject.org/use/symd/.
  2. The output of SYMD for the PDB 1KQ2 is at symd-1KQ2.txt. There are four parts.
  3. The Z1 score threshold (in parts 2 and 3 of the output) should be 10 (or 8). If all Z1 scores are less than 10, the structure has no symmetry.
  4. The symmetry from RCSB is not complete. It didn't show the local symmetry: https://structure.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/icn3d/share.html?bGH1BfLsiGFhhTDn8.

Work items

  1. Based on the ouput above, determine how many symmetries in the structure. Z1 scores
  2. What are the symmetries, such as C6, D2, etc.
  3. Calculate the axis for each symmetry.
  4. Display the symmetry in iCn3D.

Symmetry Types

Preliminary results

  1. You can test at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/icn3d2/full.html?mmdbid=1kq2 by replacing 1kq2 with any pdb id.
  2. Click the menu "Analysis > Symmetry (SymD)". A popup window is shown. Click "Apply" to show the symmetry.
  3. Click "Ctrl + Shift + i" to see the "console" tab. The output from SymD is shown in console.
  4. You can select a subset of the structure to do this dynamic symmetry calculation as well.
  5. So far it only works for cyclic symmetry. We need to test with more examples and improve it.

Testing symmD output in iCn3D

About 15 structures were tested. 7 look good. Errors with other structures. Details here

References About Symmetry Types

  1. CE-Symm: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022283614001557
  2. CE-Symm: https://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006842

Team Members:

Jiyao Wang (github: jiywang3)
Emily Tai
Top Madeji
Sridhar Acharya Malkaram (github: sridharacharya)
David Enoma (github: davidenoma)
Rachel Dunn (github: racheldunn)
Varun Kotipalli (github: varun-kotipalli)