Ethical Hacking

This repository contains all code which was written for the Ethical Hacking Seminar.

  • actions_monitor: is a program to monitor a libssh2 GitHub Actions project and connect to the AppVeyor Container via SSH.
  • appveyor_secrets_filter: is a draft which exploits the secrets filter used in AppVeyor.
  • dispatch_apache: The dockerfiles used to setup the original libssh2 dispatch script.
  • dispatch_curl: A minimal curl request which manipulates the dispatch script GitHub API call.
  • dispatch_server: A replication of the dispatch script for testing purposes.
  • fcnt: A small program to count the amount of files in a directory used to count tree files from the githubTreeFetch program.
  • gha_events: Abandoned version of the actions_monitor with a webscraping approach (which avoids the GitHub API).
  • githubBlobFetch: A program to download BLOBs from a tree file.
  • githubRepoListFetch: Fetches repository links and metadata from the GitHub API.
  • githubRepoListFilter: Filters the repository list for interesting repositories and manipulates the output format.
  • githubTreeFetch: Downloads the tree file of projects which are in a list downloaded by githubRepoListFetch.