
A multilingual chat server-client built in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Chat Server v1.0
Authors: Tim Jassmann, David Kale, Sina Tashakkori

To run:
		Type "./chatserver.py" to run the chat server on port 15008.
		Output should be "Server ready for chat clients".
		Make sure an X server is running and X11 forwarding is enabled if on a 
		windows machine.
		Type "./chatclient.py <NAME>" where <NAME> is the name you want to give
		the chat client.
		If the name already exists, you will see an error message and the chat
		client will exit.
		Otherwise, the GUI will open and you can begin chatting!
To chat:
	Simply type in the chatbox and the bottom of the screen, then press enter
	or hit the send button to send the message to the server.
	The client automatically queries the server repeatedly for new messages 
	and updated user lists.
To quit:
		Process must be killed with ctrl-c or a kill command from another
		Closing the GUI will close the client and remove it from the server's
		list of clients.