
Simple tools to make reverse engineering and console cowboying easier, primarily by data translation and manipulation + file handle piping. Mostly *nix tools with an emphasis on macOS.

Primary LanguagePerl


Tools for console cowboying.

This is a collection of simple but effective tools to use on the command line to improve computing.

3 - combined calculator and base converter


aes - encrypt/decrypt message with AES aes 9E38A1CACF2E2AEB2393ABA2AD9582D3 1CF7E85AFE548262CCAE0F1A5F181799

aire - (OS X) reset wifi aire # network will disconnect temporary

alert - alert (play sound) when a command completes alert dd if=file.iso of=disk

alexa - get Alexa.com ranking for a site alexa cnn.com

all - loop a command over a list of files all 'tar -zxvf FILE' *tgz

ana -

appkey - send keystrokes or shortcut keys to specific app or globally to control them programmatically

arduino -

asm - compiles, links and executes .asm file via nasm asm file.asm

asm2pl - convert 8051 asm to perl asm2pl <file>

avg - Averages numbers avg <numbers> [NUMBERxTIMES] [...]

b2h -

b64 - Decodes or encodes b64 b64 <-d | -e> [data | STDIN]

baud - Determines Baudrate based on values. baud <bit width[ums]> [bit width...]

bl - ccchanbw - ccdeviatn - ccdrate - ccfreq - char -

conv - Media file conversion (mp4, FLV, mov, AIF, flac, mp3, jpg, png, gif, bmp) conv <from> <to>

cpu - Unload OSX Crashplan cpu

de_bruijn - De Bruijn Sequence Generator de_bruijn <alpha> <nums>

desktopinfo -

diffbits - Diff two equal length (per row) sets of binary data diffbits <1> <2>

diffdir - Diff two directories by comparing filenames rather than contents diffdir <1> <2>

disable_swap - Disables OSX dynamic_pager and removes vm/swapfile disable_swap

dos2unix - ds - exp -

g - grep++ g [files] [-aoRz] [-n <file match>] [-i=file] [-e=file] [-options] <match> [-v !match] [-x <cmd, eg ls -lh>]

gcode-xbox - control Grbl-based CNC machine (Carvey, X-Carve, etc) from an Xbox controller gcode-xbox [/dev/cu.GRBL_SERIAL_PORT]

hex2bin - convert intel hex file to binary hex2bin <file>

ip - list IPv4 addresses, interface name and default gateway ip # list all IPs, interfaces, and gateway ip en0 # only list IP of en0 interface

ipfwd - (OS X) enable/disable IP forwarding, temporarily or permanently ipfwd 1 # enable ip forwardwing ipfwd 0 # disable ip forwardwing ipfwd 5 10 # enable for 5 seconds, disable for 10 seconds, enable on exit

j - join multiple arguments or stdin together into single string with optional join parameter

tigerblood:/b$ j 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

tigerblood:/b$ j -s ,

nocolor - removes color from piped input, useful if you're trying to parse data where color codes are interfering command_that_has_colored_output | nocolor | grep something

ocr - converts image (local file or url) to text via tesseract, cleans up the image first via imagemagick ocr https://samy.pl/code.png > code.txt ocr passwords.png > passes.txt

onchange - run a command whenever a file/directory changes onchange . rsync -av ./ remote.com:project

pb2url - pi -

pm3cs8 - Convert proxmark3 trace to cs8 (complex int8/hackrf fmt) for inspectrum pn9 <pm3.trace/file.wav>

pmi - pn9 -

rtl - make listening/saving data from rtl-sdr or hackrf faster rtl -f 314M -M raw -s 2000000 out.raw

same - look for files that are identical (quickly) same [-e match-regexp] [-v ignore-regexp] <dir> [...]

sdi - sdr -

serialsniff - (OSX) Sniffs a serial Connection. Prints all unprintable characters! serialsniffer <serial device>

sik - siteinfo -

spec - spectrum analyzer (gpu accelerated) spec <input>

strace - dtrace wrapper strace [-acdefholLs] [-t syscall] { -p PID | -n name | command }

teensy - testpb - timer - tm - unm -

unpack - recursively unpack a file and any archives it contains

  • useful for files like .pkg that are xar archives containing further gz/cpio archives
  • this will not only unpack the primary file (zip/bz2/gz/tar/cpio/xar/gz/7z/xz) but also all packed/archived files contained unpack . - look for any archives in our dir unpack -v archive.tar.gz - verbose

unz - Runs lzma on multiple files unz <file1> <file2>

ur - url_sniff - watch - whiten -

wx - wget's and unpacks files wx <url>

xor - XOR Encode/Decode xor [-d | -x] <file1 | data1> <file2 | data2>

rtl - uses rtl_fm or hackrf_fm to listen to a frequency, with a default of AM modulation and a high sample rate.

usage: rtl [-s squelch] [-m modulation] [-b (baudline)] [-l (lowpass)] <frequency (hz/mhz)> [file.wav]

rtl 315M listens at 315M with AM modulation and a sample rate of 2M

rtl 315M test.wav saves to test.wav while listening to 15M with AM modulation and a sample rate of 2M