
University of Patras Flight Finder v2 Project

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Flight Finder

Team project at Univeristy of Patras for Electrical and Computer Engineering course Internet Programming.


The goal is to build a web application which enables the user not only to search Flights and make a booking but also login/signup along with editing user preferences and viewing travel history.


  • Have latest MongoDB installed.
    • NOTE: create a cluster if local server is not an option.
  • Have latest version of Node.js installed.
  • Have latest version of Python installed.
    • NOTE: if installing on windows, tick Add Python to PATH
  • Have MySQL and phpMyAdmin installed.
    • For Windows: install MAMP
    • For MacOS: install MAMP

Project Setup

  • Clone the repo or download as zip.
  • Navigate to the folder where you cloned/extracted the repo.


  • Navigate to ./config/python_scripts and create a virtual environment.

    • Run python -m venv venv to initialize it.
    • To activate it:
      • On Windows: Run venv\Scripts\activate
      • On MacOS/Linux: Run source venv/bin/activate
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the python dependencies.

  • Run python generate_dotenv.py without any arguments to generate the default .env file.

    • Accepted arguments:

      • --mysql-user: mysql username. Default: root.
      • --mysql-password: mysql password. Default: "" or root if it's MAMP.
      • --mysql-host: mysql host. Default: localhost.
      • --mysql-port: mysql host port. Default: 3306.
      • --mysql-database: mysql default database. Default: flightfinder.
      • --mongo-uri: mongo full uri string. Default: "".
      • --mongo-user: mongo username. Default: "".
      • --mongo-password: mongo password. Default: "".
      • --mongo-host: mongo host. Default: localhost.
      • --mongo-port: mongo host port. Default: 27107.
      • --mongo-database: mongo default database. Default: flightfinder.
      • --use-mailgun: use mailgun service to send emails. Default: disabled.
        • --mailgun-api-key: mailgun generated api key.
        • --mailgun-base: mailgun base url server. Default: US.
        • --mailgun-domain: mailgun api assigned domain.
        • --mailgun-sender-email: mailgun sender email.
      • --use-nodemailer: use nodemailer to send emails. Default: disabled.
        • --nodemailer-host: nodemailer smtp server.
        • --nodemailer-user: nodemailer smtp email.
        • --nodemailer-password: nodemailer smtp password.
    • NOTES

      • If mongo uri is used, it will ovveride all the other mongo arguments. Either use only or set each argument individually.
      • Mailgun and nodemailer can't be used together. Use only one of them.
      • If you are using your Gmail account for the nodemailer, make sure to configure your account to allow Less Secure Apps and complete the Captcha Enable challenge.

    Example: python generate_dotenv.py --mysql-user flightfinder --mysql-password test-flight --mongo-uri "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<cluster-domain>.mongodb.net/<database>"

  • Navigate to ./config/python_scripts/database and run python generate_db.py without any arguments to create, initialize and fill the database.

    • Accepted arguments:

      • --create-db: creates the empty database if not exists.
      • --init-db: initializes/resets database with the default values.
      • --generate-flights: generates flights.
        • --days: specify for how many days to generate flights. Default: 30.

      Example: python generate_db.py --generate-flights --days 60

    • When the script if finished, we are done with the python part and can safely deactivate the virtual environment:

      • On Windows: Run venv\Scripts\deactivate
      • On MacOS/Linux: Run deactivate


From the root of the project follow the steps below:

  • Run npm install --global gulp-cli

  • Run npm install to install the npm dependencies.

  • Run gulp build:dlean-dev to build the static resources.

    • Accepted arguments:

      • init: initializes the static resources (fonts, images, vendors).

      • build: builds source files from src to dist folder for production mode.

      • build:dev: builds source files from src to dist folder for development mode without initializing static resources.

      • build:clean-dev: initializes static resources and builds source files from src to dist folder for development mode.

      • copy:fonts: copies the fonts from src to dist folder.

      • copy:images: copies the images after they are optimized from src to dist folder.

      • copy:vendors: copies the vendors from src to dist folder.

      • copy:src: copies everything from src to dist folder.

      • clean:fonts: deletes the fonts from the dist folder.

      • clean:images: deletes the images from the dist folder.

      • clean:vendors: deletes the vendors from the dist folder.

      • clean:dist: clears the dist folder without deleting the static resources.

      • clean: deletes the dist folder entirely.

      • NOTE: you need to run gulp init to reinitialize the resources after running the clean command.

Running App

  • To run the app in development mode:

    • Run npm run development
  • To run the app in production mode:

    • Run npm run production
  • To run the app in maintenance mode:

    • Navigate to ./config folder and open the generated file maintenance_key.json

    • Copy the key and then run:

      • To enable it: curl --location --request POST 'http://ENTER_APP_URL/maintenance/on' --header 'X-Maintenance-Key: ENTER_MAINTENANCE_KEY

      • To disable it: curl --location --request POST 'http://ENTER_APP_URL/maintenance/off' --header 'X-Maintenance-Key: ENTER_MAINTENANCE_KEY

  • To update the packages:

    • Run npm run update-packages

Deploying App

  • Coming soon

Technologies Used

Area Technology
Frontend Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (ES6)
Backend Node.js, Express.js, Pug.js
Session datastore MongoDB
Authentication middleware Passport.js
Data validation middlware Express superstruct
Transactional emails Mailgun/Nodemailer
Logger Morgan + Winston
Database MySQL
Deployment Local/Remote (Custom server)


Neoptolemos Kyriakou Giannis Michailou
Neoptolemos Kyriakou Giannis Michailou



  • This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.