----------------- Client program or application/ Application user side/ UI/ (Browser, desktop & mobile apps) - Asks query (client/customer/user 1) - Show response (client/customer/user 2 .. N) - Examples: ○ Web § JavaScript (in combination with one of others) § Typescript □ JavaScript wrapper □ with upcoming JavaScript futures § Angular (Typescript is must after Angular version 2+) § React.js § Vue.js ○ Desktop § C#.NET WPF (xaml + c#), Windows Forms (c#) § VB.NET Application Server program or application/ / mostly Remote machine - Store in Database server - Calculates/ processes - Gives response to client's query - Examples ○ Java 60+% jobs ○ C# 20+% jobs ○ Node.js 5% ○ Python 5% (in combination with one of above) ○ Other (PHP) Database Server - Store data (access is slow because file access) - Examples - Relational (RDBMS) (Tables) ○ Oracle ○ MS Sql server - No Sql (JSONs) ○ MongoDb ○ CouchDB - Graph Db ○ Neo4j Clould - AWS - Azure - GCP Google cloud platform - All the servers can be in cloud, some times client can be in cloud too. ----------------- ----------------- Open sources ----------------- Git Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. Visualstudio code https://code.visualstudio.com/ https://code.visualstudio.com/insiders/ git config user.email "a@a.com" git config user.name "aa" git config credential.helper store git push Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS.[7] It includes support for debugging, embedded Git control and GitHub, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring. It is highly customizable, allowing users to change the theme, keyboard shortcuts, preferences, and install extensions that add additional functionality. The source code is free and open source and released under the permissive MIT License.[8] The compiled binaries are freeware and free for private or commercial use.[9] KDiff3 KDiff3 is a free, open source and cross-platform tool designed to analyze text difference and merge files or directories. http://kdiff3.sourceforge.net/
my programming language notes --- successfully 500 commits :-)