Hotel Reservation Application


A Hotel Reservation System named as VBook, coded in Java and PHP. Vendor and Customer are the Two Users of this project and are described below:


  • Can login
  • Can SignUp
  • Can Search Hotels
  • Can Reserve Rooms


  • Can login
  • Can SignUp
  • Can Advertise Hotels
  • Can view history


  1. Download and install XAMPP from the given link (C:\xampp folder should be there after installation).
  2. Paste the folder named as PHP_Files present Here in C:\xampp\htdocs folder.

  3. Open Xampp and Run Apache and MySQL Services.

  4. Click on Admin Button infront of MySQL Service and a new tab will open in the browser.

  5. Create a Database there with the name hotel_reservation_application.

  6. Create the Following Tables with the Same Table Names and Same Column Names as displayed in the screenshots below:

  7. Open the provided project in Android Studio.

  8. Get the Current IP of your pc and replace it here in the file named as

  9. Build the Project and you are good to go 😃

Working Screenshots
