Homework 10 - Week 10


  • Demonstrate your ability to program using Java concurrency mechanisms (i.e., Threads / ServiceExecutors / latch objects).


  • Your task is to create a fortification which can weather an invasion
    • There are two classes to implement. Two implementations of Fortification
      • I have stubbed out the two implementations with TODOs for you to implement.
        • Although I have provided stubs please think about encapsulation and code-reuse and create abstract classes/etc if warranted.
      • MiddleAgesFortification
      • ModernFortification
    • Besides the two implementations you must also address the TODOs in FortificationFactory
      • This is similar to previous homework assignments in that you must construct your concrete implementations of interface, Fortification
    • You should not modify any of Battler, AttackHandler, Fortification, ConcurrencyFactorProvider, Invasion
      • If you find yourself wanting to do so, you are doing something wrong
    • To test your solution works (at least functionally, there is no automated test for thread-safety that will be me and the TA reviewing your code manually):
      • Run Battler passing in values as detailed by it.
      • It should be able to run for at least 5 minutes without failing


  • Ensure your code is correct by compiling and testing it
  • A portion of your grade will be based upon readability and organization of your code.
    • Follow the naming guidelines of lecture
    • Break large functions into multiple functions based on logical organizations
    • Make abstract classes where necessary
  • Your code may correctly withstand the invasion yet still be incorrect. It must be guaranteed to be thread safe.