Homework 5 - Week 5


  • Demonstrate your ability to program using interfaces and inner classes in the Java programming language.


  • There are two tasks to complete
    • Become a five-star restaurant chef!
      • Finish Chef as detailed by its comments
      • Use anonymous classes to implement Timer when set by the Chef while using her Oven
      • All implementations of Recipe need the Oven to be made.
        • Make an implementation of Recipe for RoastedSweetPotato which takes 1/10th the Oven temperature in minutes (e.g. if the Oven temperature is 300 then it takes 30 minutes to make the RoastedSweetPotato)
          • It's food's volume is 6,000 cubic inches
        • Make an implementation of Recipe for PotRoast which takes 1/5th the Oven temperature in minutes (e.g. if the Oven temperature is 300 then it takes 60 minutes to make the PotRoast)
          • It's food's volume is 10,000 cubic inches
        • Make an implementation of Recipe for Baguette which takes time exponentially proportional (i.e. exponential decay) to the Oven temperature in minutes. The rate is passed into the recipe's constructor. (e.g. if the Oven temperature is 300, the constant is 0.5 then it takes ~20 minutes to make the Baguette); see wiki. Note, making a perfect French baguette is tricky as there's not an exact time but something close enough to done.
          • It's food's volume is 2,000 cubic inches
      • The Chef should make one PotRoast, one Baguette, one RoastedSweetPotato and second Baguette in that order.
      • The Oven's initial temperature should be 300
      • Note, to become a five-star chef takes high precision when cooking. Unfortunately the Oven isn't perfectly calibrated and so the temperature set often fluctuates.
      • Note, every great chef has a great sous-chef. Use your SousChef wisely!
      • Note, you need not (and must not) use Thread/synchronized or any other concurrency pattern for this assignment. They exist within the provided code but you will not need to program them yourself (this assignment can be done 100% with things we've already learned in lecture).
    • Fix the leaky kitchen Faucet such that you eliminate the inner class leak.


  • Ensure your code is correct by compiling and testing it
  • A portion of your grade will be based upon readability and organization of your code.
    • Follow the naming guidelines of lecture
    • Break large functions into multiple functions based on logical organizations