Homework 6 - Week 6


  • Demonstrate your ability to program using exceptions, annotations and the ability to debug Java programs.


  • There is one task to complete - stop the Evil Villain!

    • There's an evil villain on the loose. He's been creating and planting bombs throughout the city. Your task is to create a BombSquadTechnician implementation which can correctly diffuse all the villain's bombs as well as capture him.
  • Note, for this homework to be correct you may only add your own classes and only change ColorVisible and BombSquadTechnicianRecruiter. All other classes must not be modified at all.


  • Ensure your code is correct by compiling and testing it.
  • The only changes you'll need to make are to the classes ColorVisible, BombSquadTechnicianRecruiter and to create your own classes.
  • A portion of your grade will be based upon readability and organization of your code.
    • Follow the naming guidelines of lecture
    • Break large functions into multiple functions based on logical organizations