
Mobile and Pervasive Computing In-Class Exercises

Primary LanguageC#

🚀 My Android & Unity Projects Playlist

Welcome to my project repository! This repo contains demos and projects I've worked on, ranging from Android applications to Unity games. Below, you'll find a summary of each in-class exercise (ICE) and assignment, along with a YouTube playlist where I've showcased the progress and final products. 🎥

📚 In-Class Exercises (ICEs)

ICE1 - Hello, [Your Name] 🌟

  • Modified the classic "Hello, World" program to display a personalized greeting.
  • Styled the TextView with a custom font, color, and size.
  • Deployed the app to an emulator.

ICE2 - Log Class & Layouts 📝

  • Demonstrated the use of the Log class for simple logging.
  • Added buttons to toggle TextView text and explored different layout options.
  • Implemented multiple event handlers using a single Kotlin function.

ICE3 - Calculator Layout Design 🔢

  • Designed a calculator UI with distinct styles for buttons.
  • Handled button clicks using shared functions and tag values.

ICE4 - Calculator Enhancements 🔄

  • Refined the calculator design with styles to reduce redundancy.
  • Added landscape support and enhanced operand handling.
  • Implemented functionality for clear, backspace, and plus/minus buttons.

ICE5 - Calculator Class & UML Diagram 🖋️

  • Ported calculator functionality into a dedicated class.
  • Created a UML diagram to visualize the class structure.

ICE7 - Full CRUD with Room DB 🗂️

  • Demonstrated full CRUD operations using Room Database.

ICE8 - Firebase Firestore Integration 🔥

  • Converted the Room DB project to use Firebase Firestore.
  • Customized the Floating Action Button (FAB) for adding TV shows.

ICE9 - Firebase Authentication Setup 🔐

  • Set up Firebase Authentication and implemented login/register activities.
  • Restricted CRUD operations for unauthenticated users.

ICE10 - Mail Pilot Game (Unity) 🎮

  • Created a scrolling ocean background and controlled player movement in Unity.
  • Used GitHub for version control.

ICE11 - Touch Input & Cloud Obstacle 🌩️

  • Replaced standard input with touch controls in Unity.
  • Added moving obstacles like islands and clouds with randomized behavior.

ICE12 - Scoring System & Screens 🏆

  • Implemented a simple scoring system and added start/end screens.
  • Deployed the game on WebGL or an Android Emulator.

📝 Assignments

Assignment 1 - Calculator App: UI Design 🎨

  • Designed the UI for a basic calculator app.

Assignment 2 - Calculator App: Functions 🔢

  • Implemented basic calculator functionalities.

Assignment 3 - Todo List App: UI Design 🗒️

  • Created the UI for a to-do list app.

Assignment 4 - Todo List App: Data Persistence 💾

  • Added data persistence to the to-do list app using Firebase.

🎥 YouTube Playlist

Check out all the demos of the in-class exercises and assignments on my YouTube playlist. 📺