
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Part 1 Implementing Passport

  • Make sure project is not running and open a terminal
    • Install the following packages via npm
      • passport
      • passport-local
      • passport-local-mongoose
      • express-session
  • In app.js
    • Since our controllers will use passport, all related declarations must be placed before the app = express() instruction
      • Import passport and express-session
      • Initialize and configure the session object by calling app.use and passing the session object as a method
      • Configure passport before any custom router/controller declaration (app.use())
        • Call app.use and register:
          • passport.initialize()
          • passport.session();
  • In the models folder
    • Create User.js
      • Define schema and model the same way as any other model
      • Since this is a special model for user management
        • Import passport-local-mongoose
        • Call userSchema.plugin(plm) to extend the model functionality and use the password salting/hashing feature
  • In app.js
    • Link passport to our model that extends passport-local-mongoose
      • Import model
      • Call passport.use and specify a strategy
    • Set passport to read/write user data to/from session object
      • Call passport.serializeUser to write user into to a session variable
      • Call passport deserializeUser to get the information from the session variable

Part 2 Adding Register and Login functionality

  • In the Views folder
  • In routes/index.js
    • Add GET handler for '/register' and render register.hbs view with a title
    • Add GET handler for '/login' and render login.hbs view with a title
  • In views/layout
    • Add links to login and register to the right side of your navbar
    • Open the site on a browser and try navigating to these pages
  • In routes/index.js
    • Import passport module
    • Import User model
    • Add POST handler for '/register' and use the User module to register a new User
      • User.register(new User(), password)
      • Password gets passed as a separate parameter so that it can be hashed
      • If registration is successful
        • Call req.login() and pass the newuser object to log the user in
        • Redirect to /projects page
      • Try creating a new account and view MongoDB collection
      • What's hash and salt?
    • Add POST handler for '/login'
      • Instead of the usual custom middleware callback, call passport.authenticate()
        • Specify strategy name
        • Specify success and failure redirect
        • Add a login failure message
    • Modify the GET handler for '/login to handle login failure messages
      • Get message from req.session.messages
      • Clear out messages
      • Pass the messages to the view
    • In login.hbs
      • Make sure messages are rendered
        • Danger alert for invalid
        • Info alert for prompting the user to enter their credentials