
Container of profilers

Primary LanguagePython



Using requirements.txt

Use the list of packages from requirements.txt to prepare your environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt

After this, add the path to the decoProf folder to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

Using setup.py

Call for:

$ pip3 install .

This will install decoProf as a binary and as a site package along with other site-packages on your system.

Print help

If you didn't install the package using setup.py, then call for the decoProf.py script from the decoProf folder without any arguments to print the help message:

$ python3 decoProf.py

If you installed the package using setup.py, then simply call for:

$ decoProf

Inject profiler decorators

The code injects decorators in front of the functions that should be profiled. Therefore, the user should specify the function name, the filename where the function is defined, and the name of the project to which the file belongs to. If the function of interest is a member function of a class or a nested function, then the user should prepend the class or the upper function names to the function name using '.' (dot) as a separator character, e.g. -n <class_name>.<function.name>.

Here is an example call:

  1. If decoProf is not installed using setup.py:
$ python3 decoProf.py -f factorial.py -p examples -n taylor_exp -t cpu
  1. If decoProf is installed using setup.py:
$ decoProf -f factorial.py -p examples -n taylor_exp -t cpu

Execution of the lines above will perform the following steps:

  1. create a working copy of the package example
  2. add a decorator that corresponds to the cpu profiler to the taylor_exp function in the factorial.py file

After the call, go to the directory with a working copy and execute your scripts as usual:

  1. If decoProf is not installed using setup.py (Don't forget to modify PYTHONPATH to let python know that the directory with decoProf exists):
$ PYTHONPATH="<path_to_decoProf_folder>:$PYTHONPATH" python3 factorial.py
  1. If decoProf is installed using setup.py:
$ python3 factorial.py

Note that the working copy has a unique name based on the time stamp and is not deleted after execution of decoPrfo.


At the moment, only five profilers are available. The types and the corresponding -t options are listed in the table below:

Profiler -t Notes
cProfile cpu Default CPU profiler, a bit slow (deterministic)
pyinstrument call_stack Report the call stack and elapsed times (statistical)
yappi thread Allows to profile multi-threaded applications (deterministic)
memory_profiler mem Monitors memory consumption of a process
line_profiler line Profile the time individual lines of code take to execute

What are "deterministic" and "statistical" profilers?


Deterministic profilers work by hooking into several function call/leave events and calculate all metrics according to these.


Statistical profilers do not track every function call the program makes but they record the call stack every 1ms or whatever defined in the interval. The statistical profilers can impose less overhead compared to the deterministic ones.