A Womb of One’s Own: Taking Charge of Your Reproduction Without Doctors by Jane Doe
This work was written, published, and distributed by Jane Doe in June 2014.
The original publication can be found here: http://wombofonesown.wordpress.com/ http://wombofonesown.wordpress.com/2014/06/30/a-womb-of-ones-own-complete-text-basic-edition/ http://wombofonesown.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/ https://www.dropbox.com/s/18nu8d35gqil15t/AWombofOnesOwn.pdf
We are sharing this publication on github in the spirit of distribution and DIY culture.
We are not medical professionals and thus cannot evaluate the advice in this document. This information is re-shared as a political statement regarding the state of access to health care. Please seek out medical treatment from professionals.