
Every day usage shell scripts (shortcuts)

Primary LanguageShell

Shell scripts for every day usage on Mac

After main file execution, it will be created a symlink for each script allowing to run each command via shortcut.


# install
$ _create_sym_links.sh

# uninstall / remove symlinks
$ _create_sym_links.sh uninstall

# or

$ _create_sym_links.sh remove

Calculator instance

Run new instance of Calculator app

$ calc


Flush DNS Server Cache

$ flushdns


Run PyCharm within a given directory path

$ pycharm <path>


Run PhpStorm within a given directory path

$ pstorm <path>

Sizeof path

Alternative of du -h --max-depth=1 to get the size of all the directories (and files) within a given directory path

# display sizes of dirs in a current directory
$ sizeof

# display sizes of dirs in a specified directory
$ sizeof <path>

# display sizes of dirs in a specified directory
$ sizeof <path> d

# display sizes of files in a specified directory
$ sizeof <path> f

# display sizes of files/dirs in a specified directory
$ sizeof <path> a
# or
$ sizeof <path> all


# sail
sail  = ./vendor/bin/sail
saila = ./vendor/bin/sail artisan

# git
$ gs    = git status
$ gac   = git add . && git commit
$ glogo = git log --oneline --graph
$ glogs = git log --stat --graph

# pull submodules recursively
$ gls   = git submodule update --init --recursive

Delete .DS_Store (or any) files recursively

# Deletes .DS_Store files recursively in the current directory
$ del_files

# Deletes .DS_Store files recursively in a specified directory
$ del_files <path>

# Deletes 'name' matched files recursively in a specified directory
$ del_files <path> <files_match_name>