
An external project example using SVF as a library

Primary LanguageCMake

0. Install npm, zlib, unzip, cmake, gcc, nodejs wget (skip this step if you machine has these libs)

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev unzip cmake gcc g++ libtinfo5 nodejs wget libncurses5-dev

1. Install SVF and its dependence (LLVM pre-built binary) via npm

npm i --silent svf-lib --prefix ${HOME}

2. Clone repository

git clone https://github.com/SVF-tools/SVF-example.git

3. Setup SVF environment and build your project

source ./env.sh

cmake the project (cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug . for debug build)

cmake . && make

4. Analyze a bc file using svf-ex executable

clang -S -c -g -fno-discard-value-names -emit-llvm example.c -o example.ll
./bin/svf-ex example.ll