Using SVGator's SDKs to interact with SVGator's API will allow your users to connect their SVG projects to your application.

Primary LanguageDart

SVGator API & SDK documentation

Using SVGator's SDKs (Software Development Kit) to interact with SVGator's API (Application Programming Interface) will allow your users to connect their SVG projects to your application.

Please note that we strongly recommend the usage of the included SDKs over direct API calls.

Table of Contents

  1. Before You Start
  2. Frontend API
    1. Connect Users with a Popup Window
    2. Connect Users through a Redirect URL
    3. Dynamic App Creation
  3. Backend API
    1. Obtain an access_token
    2. Obtain an access_token for a Dynamic App
    3. How to generate the hash security token
    4. List of SVG Projects
    5. Details of an SVG Project
    6. Export an Animated SVG Project
    7. Error Handling
  4. Further Resources

1. Before You Start

In order to use SVGator's API & SDKs, one first must obtain an SVGator Application. To do so, please email contact@svgator.com, providing your SVGator account ID and the desired usage of your SVGator application.

The API keys one should receive from contact@svgator.com are shown below:

Name Description Notes Sample Value
app_id Application ID prefixed with "ai_", followed by 32 alphanumeric chars ai_b1357de7kj1j3ljd80aadz1eje782f2k
secret_key Secret Key prefixed with "sk_", followed by 32 alphanumeric chars sk_58ijx87f45596ylv5jeb1a5vicdd92i4
❗ Attention
◾ Your Secret Key must not be included in any requests, neither be present on Front-End.

Creating an application on the fly is also possible using appId=dynamic, yet this feature comes with restrictions. For a multi-user implementation follow the steps above instead.

2. Frontend API

We encourage to use SVGator's own Frontend SDK (offered as a CDN link with a detailed example as well as a Node package) over own implementation of frontend API calls.

2.I. Connect Users with a Popup Window

Open a pop-up window from JS letting your users to connect their SVGator account to your app.

  • Endpoint: https://app.svgator.com/app-auth/connect
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Name Description
appId your Application ID
origin origin of the opener window, url encoded
Sample URL


Success response

After the user has successfully logged in to SVGator and authorized your application, the API will send the string response above as a postMessage to your window.

Success response - parameters
Name Description
app_id your Application ID
auth_code your authentication code needed to generate a back-end access_token
auth_code_expires the exiration time of auth_code in unix timestamp; defaults to 5 minutes
Authorization Popup - Screenshot
Click here to see how the popup will show up for your users

Authorization Popup

2.II. Connect Users through a Redirect URL

Point your users to SVGator's URL to connect their SVGator account to your app.

  • Endpoint: https://app.svgator.com/app-auth/connect
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Name Description
appId your Application ID
redirect origin of the opener window, url encoded
Sample URL


Success response


After the user has successfully logged in to SVGator and authorized your application, the API will redirect them to the URL you provided, suffixed with response parameters.

Success response - parameters

Same as connecting users with a popup window.

Authorization Redirect - Screenshot
Click here to see how the redirect will show up for your users

Authorization Redirect

2.III. Dynamic App Creation

This feature is intended for applications with a single user access or from pages where the owner doesn't want to have control over the application itself (an example being SVGator's Wordpress plugin).

This usecase is identical to connecting users with a popup window with the exception that one should pass appId=dynamic.

See further restrictions under obtaining an access_token.

3. Backend API

This section describes server to server API requests, available only for application already having authorized users, as described under Frontend section.

Again, we strongly recommend to use vendor backend SDKs (PHP or Node.js) over custom implementation of API calls.

3.I. Obtain an access_token

In order to interact with users' projects on SVGator, the next step is to obtain an access_token, which is specific to given application and to the current user.

  • Endpoint: https://app.svgator.com/api/app-auth/token
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Name Description
app_id your Application ID, provided by SVGator
auth_code the authentication code received from Frontend API
time current unix timestamp
hash 64 chars sha256 security token; see generation details under 3.III.
Sample URL
Success response
  "access_token": "at_826a1294b59a229412546cadf1b7ef66",
  "customer_id": "ci_90c94934c0fce81bddf42385f1432169"

Save both values for later usage. The given access token will allow you to retrieve all the SVGs for the given customer for a period of 6 months, or until the user revokes your permissions from their account settings.

3.II. Obtain an access_token for a Dynamic App

Generating an access_token for a Dynamic App is highly similar to the previous point, the difference being that in this case secret_key will be returned in the response, togheter with access_token and customer_id.

❗ Attention
◾ For dynamic application, each `token` request will invalidate previous `auth_codes`, yet already issued `access_tokens` will remain functional.
◾ Also to be noted that an `app_id` and `secret_key` pair obtained for a dynamic app cannot be used to gain access to other users' projects.
  • Endpoint: https://app.svgator.com/api/app-auth/token
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Name Description
app_id your Application ID returned by Frontend authentication
auth_code the authentication code received from Frontend API
time current unix timestamp
hash 64 chars sha256 security token; see generation details under 3.III.
Sample URL
Success response
  "access_token": "at_826a1294b59a229412546cadf1b7ef66",
  "customer_id": "ci_90c94934c0fce81bddf42385f1432169",
  "app_id": "ai_b1357de7kj1j3ljd80aadz1eje782f2k",
  "secret_key": "sk_ec55dda518dd823cb404g532316c09c36"

Save all values for later usage. secret_key must be used to generate the hash security token further on.

3.III. How to generate the hash security token

Each server to server request must contain a valid hash parameter, generated based on request parameters as described below. Let's consider as an example the access_token request from 3.I. As a first step, collect all parameters from a given request, which for this example will be the following:

Name Value
app_id ai_b1357de7kj1j3ljd80aadz1eje782f2k
time 1606424900
auth_code ac_3db45107d0833b4bb8g43a67380e51fe

Sort the parameters alphabetically by their names:

Name Value
app_id ai_b1357de7kj1j3ljd80aadz1eje782f2k
auth_code ac_3db45107d0833b4bb8g43a67380e51fe
time 1606424900

Next, concatenate their values (without any separator):


The next step is appending secret_key, but there is an exception for that - obtaining an access_token for a Dynamic App (3.II.). That is the single request in which case secret_key should not be used for hash generation, since it is not yet available to the API client.

In that case, secret_key should be considered an empty string, yet hash still needs to be generated. In all other cases, the secret_key (either recieved from SVGator or returned by dynamic app token request) should be appended to the given string.

❗ Attention
◾ The `secret_key` itself should never be added to any of the URLs.

For the sake of the example, let's assume your secret_key is sk_ec55dda518dd823cb404g532316c09c36, which appended to the end of the current hash will result in:


Now generate the sha256 hash of the given string:


Use the result string as &hash= parameter in the request. Find examples on how to generate a hash in PHP here, respectively Node.js here.

3.IV. List of SVG Projects

Retrieve all SVG projects for a given user.

  • Endpoint: https://app.svgator.com/api/app-auth/projects
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Name Description
app_id your Application ID
access_token the access token received from token request, specific to the given user
customer_id the customer you want to get the list of projects for; customer_id received from token request
time current unix timestamp
hash 64 chars sha256 security token
Sample URL
Success response
    "projects": [
            "id": "pi_scf57osvhoc2hptnmqap79lvfdpld9xi",
            "title": "Web Dise\u00f1o",
            "preview": "https://cdn.svgator.com/project/m7/50/07gorpgkdpm6m6dnwq03oyfb1kej/prv.svg",
            "created": 1606300441,
            "updated": 1606300711
            "id": "pi_uinfb7kl855j2yxpbsglty0eo28yd8jp",
            "title": "SAMPLE PROJECT1",
            "preview": "https://cdn.svgator.com/project/4h/xx/6cjqkpmvz8fasvp1ch2vfavcgw5o/prv.svg",
            "created": 1606137253,
            "updated": 1606137253

Only 2 sample projects are listed above, but please note that given request will return all projects of the current user.

  • Use projects[i]->id in further requests to obtain up to date details of the given project
  • title will hold the name of the project, given by its owner (the current user)
  • preview points to a static version of the SVG projects to be used in previews and thumbnails
  • created & updated fields are unix timestamps

3.V. Details of an SVG Project

Retrieve details about a given SVG project of the current user.

  • Endpoint: https://app.svgator.com/api/app-auth/project
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Name Description
project_id the ID of the SVG project, retreived by the previous request
app_id your Application ID
access_token the access token received from token request, specific to the given user
customer_id the customer you want to get the list of projects for; customer_id received from token request
time current unix timestamp
hash 64 chars sha256 security token
Sample URL
Success response
        "id": "pi_scf57osvhoc2hptnmqap79lvfdpld9xi",
        "title": "Web Dise\u00f1",
        "preview": "https://cdn.svgator.com/project/m7/50/07gorpgkdpm6m6dnwq03oyfb1kej/prv.svg",
        "label": "TEST LABEL",
        "created": 1606300441,
        "updated": 1606300711

label field denotes the tag given to the project by its owner and it is optional. The rest of the response fields are identical to project list response.

3.VI. Export an Animated SVG Project

Retrieve the animated SVG project of the user as raw text.

  • Endpoint: https://app.svgator.com/api/app-auth/export
  • Method: GET
  • Parameters:
Name Description
project_id the ID of the SVG project, retreived by a previous request or stored locally
app_id your Application ID
access_token the access token received from token request, specific to the given user
customer_id the customer you want to get the list of projects for; customer_id received from token request
time current unix timestamp
hash 64 chars sha256 security token
Sample URL
Success response

Content-Type: image/svg+xml

   <svg id="egain0g46a2d1" ...>

The response will be raw text, containing the SVG data. Save such projects locally and update them periodically or on user's action. Serve the saved version to actual end-users and/or in a web page.

3.VII. Error Handling

In case of error HTTP response will remain 200 and the body of the request will hold the JSON object below:

    "error": "Here comes the error message",
    "error_description": "This is an optional description. Most of the cases this property is missing."

All responses should be validated against the given structure. HTTP response codes different than 200 might also appear in case of a network issue.

4. Further Resources

Frontend SDK:

Backend SDK:

For further support & questions, feel free to contact us at contact@svgator.com.