
Symfony demo app with API Platform

Primary LanguagePHP

API Platform Demo

A simple Symfony application with API Platform


This application is only about posts and authors.

  • An admin panel is available at /admin. You can list, create, update and delete posts.
  • The API is available at /api and contains only two entry points (list and create).


  • Create a file .env.local with your database credentials or uncomment and replace it in .env.
  • Install composer dependencies.
composer install
  • Install Yarn dependencies and build assets.
yarn install && yarn dev
  • Create database.
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
  • Execute migrations.
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction
  • Load data fixtures.
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --no-interaction
  • Run the Symfony server.
symfony serve

You're good to go now !

If you loaded the data fixtures, you can connect to the admin panel with "john.doe@example.com" / "plain-password"

Files architecture

This application does not follow Symfony basic architecture in the src/ folder:

  • src/Api defines all API Platform custom services (state providers and processors, pagination etc.).
  • src/Application defines generic services used in the application (form types, validation, resource handlers etc.).
  • src/Domain contains entities, repositories and generic DTOs.
  • src/UI defines all entry points: CLI commands, controllers and API resources.

Also, data fixtures are in tests/ folder and are available only in dev and test environments.

Data specification

There are only two entities:

  • Admin users contains an email, a password, and timestamps (created and updated at).
  • Posts contains an ULID, a title, a content, a published date and timestamps. Posts are linked to an author (Admin users).