
SWEConnect looks to provide JHU startup projects and SWEC with a means to find people who are looking to get involved by providing an application management system. Users can create projects, and then create applications that people can apply for. Any user looking to get involved can search for roles through various methods and apply!

Installing / Getting started

A quick introduction of the minimal setup you need to get the app up & running on a local computer

  1. Make sure you have these prerequisites installed: yarn, Docker, ngrok.

  2. Clone the repository and navigate to the root folder in the terminal.

  3. Add a .env file in the root folder of this repository containing the fields in the.env.example file, and fill in the required environment variables.

  4. Run yarn to install dependencies.

  5. To run locally:

    a. Run yarn dev in one terminal

    b. Run yarn ngrok in another terminal

    c. Go to (http://localhost:3000/) in your browser.

Code style and formatting

To run prettier: yarn format.


As of now, SWEConnect uses Next.js and Vercel for deployment. For a guide on deployment, check out (https://vercel.com/docs/deployments/overview)