
The 'FlightApp' application is a UWP app wich uses a REST API. The purpose of this app is to entertain, inform, chat or order products during a flight.

This project is part of the Native Apps II: mobile apps voor Windows course for the Bachelor of Applied Informatics at the Ghent University College HoGent (Academic year 2019-2020).


Passenger View

Steward View

Getting Started


  1. Clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/SWojtyla/FlightApp
  2. Open the project in Visual Studio

  3. Run the FlightAppApi -- Make sure the secrets.json file is in this project.

  4. Run the FlightApp

Dummy login

Use the login credentials stated below to test the project's functionality.


  • Email: marielousie@gmail.com
  • Password: Azertyuiop@1


  • Email: steward@gmail.com
  • Password: Azertyuiop@1

Built With


Sebastien Wojtyla Victor Van Hulle Reeven Govaert
Sebastien Victor Reeven