
This is a demo project for practice socket.io in MERN stack project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Assessment Platform

This is a chat app within two people

Key Technologies

Server-Side: Node JS, Express JS , JavaScript

Database: MongoDB (with ODM mongoose)

Real Time Data Trasfer: Socket.io

Key Features

  • User can login.
  • User can SignUp.
  • User can search all other's user by name.
  • User Can chat with all valid user.
  • When user A send a new message to user B then user B will get a New message notification.
  • If User A and B is staying in the chat box and User A is writing something then User B can see a typing animation in his or her chat box.
  • All data will be pass in the real time with socket the help of socket server.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/SYShopnil/ChatApp-Server.git

  cd ChatApp-Server

Install dependencies

  npm install || npm i


  npm run dev

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

MONGO_URL //it wil be the mongodb database local or cloud server link.

JWT_CODE // it will be the JSON WEB TOKEN'S security code

DATA_URL //it will be the server side url

TOKEN_EXPIRE //It will be a token expire date in days. It will be a number(5 input that's mean 5 days)

SERVER_URL // it will be the port number where the backend server will run . Ex: 3030 (it will be a number)

CORS_ORIGIN //it will be the client site base url. ex: "http://localhost:3000"


For support, sadmanishopnil@gmail.com .