School Management

This is a School management system demo project for practicing perpose.

Key Technologies

Server-Side: Node JS, Express JS , TypeScript

Database: MongoDB (with ODM mongoose)

Key Roles

  • Admin
  • Teacher
  • Student

Key Features

  • Admin can see all students information
  • Admin can see all teachers information.
  • Admin can ban or delete any student and teacher.
  • Admin can ban or delete any teacher
  • Teacher Registration
  • Create a new Course
  • Create a new MCQ question
  • Student Registration
  • Enroll a new course
  • Take an exam (MCQ question )
  • All user can see own profile.
  • All user can update own profile.
  • All User can change own existing password.
  • All user can recover a password if forgot the current one.
  • User Login System (with email and pasword)

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd School_Management_Server_TS

Install dependencies

  npm install || npm i

Start the server

  npm run dev


Install my-project with npm

  npm install || npm i

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

MONGO_URL //it wil be the mongodb database local or cloud server link.

SERVER_URL //it wil be the server port.

JWT_CODE // it will be the JSON WEB TOKEN'S security code

HOST_EMAIL // it will be a valid email for nodeMailer host mail. to use this you should have enable low security of you gmail.

HOST_PASSWORD // it will be a valid email password for nodeMailer host mail. to use this you should have enable low security of you gmail.

SENDER_EMAIL //it will be a valid email.

DATA_URL //it will be the server side url

TOKEN_EXPIRE //It will be a token expire date in days (5 input that's mean 5 days)

LOOGGED_IN_USER_SESSON /It will be a cookies expire date in days (5 input that's mean 5 days)



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