
An angular (ver >= 2.x) directive for ECharts (ver >= 3.x)

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Angular directive for Apache ECharts (incubating) (version >= 3.x) (The project is renamed from angular2-echarts)

Table of contents

Getting Started

ngx-echarts is an Angular (ver >= 2.x) directive for ECharts (ver >= 3.x).

Latest version @npm:

A starter project on Github: https://github.com/xieziyu/ngx-echarts-starter

Latest Update

  • 2021.01.10: v6.0.1:

  • 2021.01.10: v6.0.0:

  • 2020.12.14: v6.0.0-alpha.2, v5.2.2:

  • 2020.11.07: v6.0.0-alpha.1:

  • 2020.11.07: v5.2.1:

    • Required resize-observer-polyfill
    • PR #271: Fix autoResize functionality (by ThomasBower)
    • Exposed methods: refreshChart() and resize()
  • 2020.07.24: v5.1.0:

  • 2020.05.19: v5.0.0

      • NgxEchartsModule provides .forRoot() method to inject echarts core.
      • Due to .forRoot method, we can do custom build without NgxEchartsCoreModule. Just import the echarts core from echarts/src/echarts, and other necessary charts.
      • NgxEchartsCoreModule is removed.
      • [detectEventChanges] is removed.


  • Since v5.0

    # if you use npm
    npm install echarts -S
    npm install ngx-echarts -S
    npm install resize-observer-polyfill -D
    # or if you use yarn
    yarn add echarts
    yarn add ngx-echarts
    yarn add -D resize-observer-polyfill
  • If you need ECharts GL support, please install it first:

    npm install echarts-gl -S
    # or
    yarn add echarts-gl
  • Import other extensions such as themes or echarts-gl in your main.ts: ECharts Extensions

Upgrade from v4.x

  1. import echarts and provide it in NgxEchartsModule.forRoot({ echarts }).
  2. NgxEchartsCoreModule is removed.


Please refer to the demo page.

  1. Firstly, import NgxEchartsModule in your app module (or any other proper angular module):

    import { NgxEchartsModule } from 'ngx-echarts';
      imports: [
           * This will import all modules from echarts.
           * If you only need custom modules,
           * please refer to [Custom Build] section.
          echarts: () => import('echarts'), // or import('./path-to-my-custom-echarts')
    export class AppModule {}

    The echarts library will be imported only when it gets called the first time thanks to the function that uses the native import.

    You can also directly pass the echarts instead which will slow down initial rendering because it will load the whole echarts into your main bundle.

    import { NgxEchartsModule } from 'ngx-echarts';
    import * as echarts from 'echarts';
      imports: [
    export class AppModule {}
  2. Then: use echarts directive in a div which has pre-defined height. (From v2.0, it has default height: 400px)

    • Simple example:

      • html:
      <div echarts [options]="chartOption" class="demo-chart"></div>
      • scss:
      .demo-chart {
        height: 400px;
      • component:
      import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts';
      // ...
      chartOption: EChartsOption = {
        xAxis: {
          type: 'category',
          data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'],
        yAxis: {
          type: 'value',
        series: [
            data: [820, 932, 901, 934, 1290, 1330, 1320],
            type: 'line',



echarts directive support following input properties:

Input Type Default Description
[options] object null The same as the options on the official demo site.
[merge] object null Used to update a part of the options, especially helpful when you need to update the chart data. In fact, the value of merge will be used in echartsInstance.setOption() with notMerge = false. Refer to ECharts documentation for details.
[loading] boolean false Used to toggle the echarts loading animation when your data is not ready.
[autoResize] boolean true If set to true, the chart will be automatically resized when the window's width is changed.
[initOpts] object null The value of [initOpts] will be used in echarts.init(). It may contain devicePixelRatio, renderer, width or height properties. Refer to ECharts documentation for details.
[theme] string null Used it to initialize echarts with theme. The theme file must also be imported in main.ts.
[loadingOpts] object null Input an object to customize the loading style. Refer to ECharts documentation for details.

By default, loadingOpts is:

  text: 'loading',
  color: '#c23531',
  textColor: '#000',
  maskColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)',
  zlevel: 0

ECharts API

If you need to access parts of the ECharts API such as echarts.graphic, please import it from echarts. For example:

import { graphic } from 'echarts';

new graphic.LinearGradient(/* ... */);

ECharts Instance

echartsInstance is exposed (since v1.1.6) in the (chartInit) event, enabling you to directly call functions like: resize(), showLoading(), etc. For example:

  • html:
<div echarts class="demo-chart" [options]="chartOptions" (chartInit)="onChartInit($event)"></div>
  • component:
onChartInit(ec) {
  this.echartsInstance = ec;

resizeChart() {
  if (this.echartsInstance) {

ECharts Extensions

Import echarts theme files or other extension files after you have imported echarts core. For example:

import * as echarts from 'echarts';

/** echarts extensions: */
import 'echarts-gl';
import 'echarts/theme/macarons.js';
import 'echarts/dist/extension/bmap.min.js';


NgxEchartsService has been obsolete since v4.0


As ECharts supports the 'click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', and 'globalout' mouse events, our ngx-echarts directive also supports the same mouse events but with an additional chart prefix. For example:

  • html:
<div echarts class="demo-chart" [options]="chartOptions" (chartClick)="onChartClick($event)"></div>
  • The '$event' is same with the 'params' that ECharts dispatches.

It supports following event outputs:

@Output Event
chartInit Emitted when the chart is initialized
chartClick echarts event: 'click'
chartDblClick echarts event: 'dblclick'
chartMouseDown echarts event: 'mousedown'
chartMouseMove echarts event: 'mousemove'
chartMouseUp echarts event: 'mouseup'
chartMouseOver echarts event: 'mouseover'
chartMouseOut echarts event: 'mouseout'
chartGlobalOut echarts event: 'globalout'
chartContextMenu echarts event: 'contextmenu'
chartLegendSelectChanged echarts event: 'legendselectchanged'
chartLegendSelected echarts event: 'legendselected'
chartLegendUnselected echarts event: 'legendunselected'
chartLegendScroll echarts event: 'legendscroll'
chartDataZoom echarts event: 'datazoom'
chartDataRangeSelected echarts event: 'datarangeselected'
chartTimelineChanged echarts event: 'timelinechanged'
chartTimelinePlayChanged echarts event: 'timelineplaychanged'
chartRestore echarts event: 'restore'
chartDataViewChanged echarts event: 'dataviewchanged'
chartMagicTypeChanged echarts event: 'magictypechanged'
chartPieSelectChanged echarts event: 'pieselectchanged'
chartPieSelected echarts event: 'pieselected'
chartPieUnselected echarts event: 'pieunselected'
chartMapSelectChanged echarts event: 'mapselectchanged'
chartMapSelected echarts event: 'mapselected'
chartMapUnselected echarts event: 'mapunselected'
chartAxisAreaSelected echarts event: 'axisareaselected'
chartFocusNodeAdjacency echarts event: 'focusnodeadjacency'
chartUnfocusNodeAdjacency echarts event: 'unfocusnodeadjacency'
chartBrush echarts event: 'brush'
chartBrushEnd echarts event: 'brushend'
chartBrushSelected echarts event: 'brushselected'
chartRendered echarts event: 'rendered'
chartFinished echarts event: 'finished'

You can refer to the ECharts tutorial: Events and Actions in ECharts for more details of the event params. You can also refer to the demo page for a detailed example.

Custom Build

Legacy Custom Build

Please refer to ECharts Documentation for more details.

If you want to produce a custom build of ECharts, prepare a file like custom-echarts.ts:

// custom-echarts.ts
export * from 'echarts/src/echarts';

import 'echarts/src/chart/line';
import 'echarts/src/chart/bar';
// component examples:
import 'echarts/src/component/tooltip';
import 'echarts/src/component/title';
import 'echarts/src/component/toolbox';

And then inject it in your NgxEchartsModule:

import { NgxEchartsModule } from 'ngx-echarts';
import * as echarts from './custom-echarts';

  imports: [
export class AppModule {}

And if you want to use the global echarts object, please import it from lib or src instead:

import * as echarts from 'echarts/lib/echarts';

If you need to import theme files, remember to change the 'echarts' path to 'echarts/lib/echarts', for example:

// ... part of echarts/theme/dark.js:
function (root, factory) {
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
        define(['exports', 'echarts/lib/echarts'], factory);
    } else if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof exports.nodeName !== 'string') {
        // CommonJS
        factory(exports, require('echarts/lib/echarts'));
    } else {
        // Browser globals
        factory({}, root.echarts);

Treeshaking Custom Build

Since version 5.0.1 ECharts supports Treeshaking with NPM.

There is no need for the custom-echarts.ts file anymore. The app.modules.ts should look like this:

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';

import { NgxEchartsModule } from 'ngx-echarts';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

// Import the echarts core module, which provides the necessary interfaces for using echarts.
import * as echarts from 'echarts/core';
// Import bar charts, all with Chart suffix
import {
} from 'echarts/charts';
import {
} from 'echarts/components';
// Import the Canvas renderer, note that introducing the CanvasRenderer or SVGRenderer is a required step
import {
} from 'echarts/renderers';
import 'echarts/theme/macarons.js';

  [TitleComponent, TooltipComponent, GridComponent, BarChart, CanvasRenderer]

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    NgxEchartsModule.forRoot({ echarts }),
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


You can clone this repo to your working copy and then launch the demo page in your local machine:

npm install
npm run demo

# or
yarn install
yarn demo

The demo page server is listening on: http://localhost:4202